A dynamic private sector is necessary for sustaining economic growth and strength, but its ability to play this essential societal role is hampered when there is a lack of effective rule of law. Uneven enforcement of regulation, corruption, insecure property rights, unclear laws, and ineffective means to settle disputes undermine legitimate business and drive away both local and international investment. Meaningful and long-term development depends on upholding the rule of law.
This program developed transparency and ethics tools for a pilot sample of small and medium enterprises to improve their corporate governance and competitiveness. In addition to these tools, Proética ...
This program is building the capacity of the newly created National Office for Combatting Fraud and Corruption (OFNAC) by providing a framework for its work and creating synergies between anti ...
This program empowered female cotton pickers in Pakistan to negotiate for higher wages and improved working conditions. The Sindh Community Foundation organized multiple workshops for women on ...
Under the SARA program, Project 189 worked directly with recruitment agencies and employers in Kuwait to strengthen adherence to international labor standards for domestic workers. The program held a ...
In Nepal, trafficking and sex worker abuse often go unreported, as many victims lack knowledge of how to take legal action against perpetrators and fear stigmatization by their families and ...
There are only three formal and permanent courts between the 83 islands of Vanuatu, and over 80 percent of Ni-Vanuatu relies on customary justice systems. However, most chiefs responsible for ...