Indonesia Country SortieThe World Justice Project is pleased to be in Jarkata, Indonesia on 19-21 January, 2015, for a country workshop bringing together a wide range of invited stakeholders—including leaders from business, academia, civil society and government—from across Indonesia to assess current rule of law challenges and opportunities.

As part of WJP’s effort to lead a global, multidisciplinary effort to strengthen the rule of law, the WJP works with local partners to organize individual country workshops that help assess rule of law challenges and opportunities in a national context. In these meetings, WJP convenes leaders from diverse sectors with the ability to make meaningful change, presents in-depth, country-specific findings from the WJP Rule of Law Index, then invites participants to develop practical programs that will strengthen adherence to the rule of law in their communities.

Discussion in Jakarta will be focused on: quality of regulatory enforcement; why the rule of law matters to development (economic, socio-political, and human development); access to justice and dispute resolution systems; and anti-corruption.

In addition to plenary sessions, participants will spend time working together in small groups to incubate practical solutions to these challenges. A resulting “recommendations” report will be drafted and shared with policymakers, and selected follow-up activities will be financially supported by the WJP for those ideas with the greatest potential to advance the rule of law. The WJP will connect participants to the global WJP network, online communications platforms, and other resources as needed to continue momentum from this dialogue.

Read more about the Indonesia workshop here, including the event agenda and the WJP Indonesia Country Report (offered in both English and Bahasa Indonesia).

More updates from the workshop will be posted to our website next week—you can also follow the country workshop through the social media hashtag #ROLIndonesia.

WJP Staff
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