Our original research and data is grounded in the World Justice Project Rule of Law Index®. The Index measures how the rule of law is experienced and perceived worldwide based on household and expert surveys in 142 countries and jurisdictions. Our data provides current and reliable information to policy makers, civil society organizations, academics, the media, citizens, businesses, and legal professionals, among others. It is intended to encourage policy reforms, guide program development, and inform research to strengthen the rule of law.
Reports and Resources

New research offers pivotal insights into the justice gap, varied justice journeys, the economics of access to justice, and SDG Indicator 16.3.3

The "Environmental Governance Indicators for Latin America and the Caribbean" represent the first-ever cross-country assessment of how environmental governance functions in practice.

In Measuring the Justice Gap: A People-Centered Assessment of Unmet Justice Needs Around the World, the WJP estimates that an aggregate of 5.1 billion people have unmet justice needs globally.

Previous editions of the WJP Rule of Law Index.