Country Workshops convene advocates from diverse sectors with the ability to make meaningful change. At these convenings, WJP presents in-depth, country-specifc findings from the WJP Rule of Law Index, then invites participants to develop practical programs that will strengthen adherence to the rule of law in their communities.

Dakar, Senegal | March 10-12, 2015
On March 10-12, 2015 in Dakar, the WJP hosted “The Rule of Law in Senegal.” The meeting and workshop brought together 50 leaders from business, academia, civil society, and government to assess current rule of law challenges and opportunities in Senegal.

Jarkata, Indonesia | Jan 19-21, 2015
In Jarkata, Indonesia, on 19-21 January, 2015 WJP brought together a wide range of stakeholders—including leaders from business, academia, civil society and government—from across Indonesia to assess current rule of law challenges and opportunities. Discussion was focused on: quality of regulatory enforcement; why the rule of law matters to development (economic, socio-political, and human development); access to justice and dispute resolution systems; and anti-corruption.

Lilongwe, Malawi | March 12-14, 2013
On March 12-14, 2013, the WJP, in partnership with the Malawian organization Citizens for Justice (CFJ) held a country engagement in Lilongwe, Malawi, bringing together a wide variety of local stakeholders to discuss the findings of the Rule of Law Index findings for the country. Participants had the opportunity to collaborate on practical solutions to current rule of law challenges and opportunities facing the country, culminating in a recommendations report delivered to leaders in government. In addition to expert participants from around the country, WJP and CFJ were honored with the attendance of Her Excellency Dr. Joyce Banda, President of the Republic of Malawi, as well as WJP Board Directors Professor Dr. Emil Constantinescu and Mr. Mondli Makhanya.

Tunis, Tunisia | May 28, 2012
The WJP hosted a small engagement in Tunis, Tunisia, on May 28, 2012, which convened Tunisian leaders in civil society, government and business to consider the findings of the WJP Rule of Law Index polling data as it relates to rule of law challenges facing Tunisia. The WJP worked closely with the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO), the Arab Center for the Rule of Law and Integrity (ACRLI), and the Hague Institute for the Internationalisation of Law (HiiL) in the planning and execution of the workshop “Strengthening the Rule of Law in Tunisia.”