Agenda from the World Justice Forum IV

8-11 July 2013 | The Hague, Netherlands


Day 1: Monday, 8 July 2013



  • World Forum Convention Center

Poster Sessions (See Below)

  • Presenters feature research and programs on global rule of law issues, in the exhibit hall

Index Office Hours 

  • Index staff available for in-depth discussion of research and data


Opening Reception

  • Worldhotel Bel Air The Hague, Johan de Wittlaan 30
  • Ivo Opstelten, Minister of Security and Justice (Netherlands)

Day 2: Tuesday, 9 July 2013


Welcome & Introduction


Opening Keynote Panel: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Importance of the Rule of Law to Various Sectors



  • Anthony Kennedy, Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States (USA)
  • Thabo Makgoba, Archbishop of Cape Town (South Africa)
  • Peter Rees QC, Legal Director, Royal Dutch Shell plc (The Netherlands)
  • Santiago Siri, Founder & Chief Innovator, Grupo 42 (Argentina)
  • Sakena Yacoobi, Founder & Executive Director, Afghan Institute of Learning (Afghanistan)


The Rule of Law around the World & Why It Matters - Findings from the WJP Rule of Law Index


  • Zsuzsanna Lonti, Head of Unit Statistics and Indicators, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (Hungary)




  • Open conversational seating organized by issue area
  • Poster Session open during second hour


Concurrent Topical Panels I


Justice Incubator Working Sessions: Part I

  • Develop innovative, practical, ground-level programs to strengthen the rule of law in collaboration with partners from other disciplines


Reception hosted by Den Haag Municipality 

  • City Hall
  • Remarks by Jozais van Aartsen, Mayor of The Hague (The Netherlands)

Day 3: Wednesday, 10 July 2013


Keynote Address

  • Song Sang-Hyun, President, International Criminal Court (South Korea)


From Inspiration to Action: Strengthening the Rule of Law through Effective Programs



  • Matthew Bugher, Myanmar Project Manager, Justice Base (Myanmar)
  • Ruha Devanesan, Executive Director, Peacetones (USA)
  • Marnie Gustavson, Executive Director, PARSA (Afghanistan)
  • Zanaa Jurmed, Coordinator, National CEDAW Watch Network (Mongolia)
  • Nemata Majeks-Walker, Founder, The 50/50 Group of Sierra Leone (Sierra Leone)


Justice Incubator Working Sessions: Part II

  • Develop innovative, practical, ground-level programs to strengthen the rule of law in collaboration with partners from other disciplines



  • Programs Highlight Video
  • Poster Session open during second hour


Concurrent Topical Panels II


Keynote Conversation

This session will feature several prominent women leaders who have faced challenges in regard to the rule of law, particularly during the historic moments of transition. The panelists will discuss their efforts to address key rule of law challenges, including promoting equal access to justice, human rights, establishing or reestablishing transparent institutions and systems, and equal access to the health system. The discussion will highlight the unique perspectives and talents that women can lend to these complex issues, and how a gender lens can contribute to these opportunities for progress.



Evening Events: Salon Sessions

Day 4: Thursday, 11 July 2013


Open Discussion with the UN on Role of Rule of Law in Peace & Security, Development, and Human Rights

The Executive Office of the United Nations Secretary-General will lead a consultation with Forum participants for the purpose of informing the UN General Assembly on the views of a wide range of stakeholders on this topic.


  • Edric Selous, Director, United Nations Rule of Law Unit, Executive Office of the Secretary-General (USA)


  • Luis Alfonso de Alba Góngora, Ambassador of Mexico to Austria; Permanent Representative of Mexico, International Organizations in Vienna (Mexico) -- INVITED
  • Irene Khan, Director-General, International Development law Organization (Bangladesh)
  • Abidoun Williams, President, Hague Institute for Global Justice (The Netherlands)


Justice Incubator Working Sessions: Part III



  • WJP Rule of Law Award
  • Poster Session open during second hour


Concurrent Topical Panels III


Final Reports from Justice Incubator Working Sessions


Closing Keynote




World Justice Forum IV: Poster Sessions

The World Justice Forum IV Poster Session is designed to provide attendees with a unique opportunity to exchange innovative ideas about developments in the rule of law worldwide, while informally networking with other forum attendees. It serves as a prime opportunity to efficiently and effectively introduce the work of an organization or practitioner to the broader rule of law community.


Individuals or organizations desiring to showcase their work through the Poster Session must first register as attendees at the World Justice Forum IV. Next, they will need to send an email to [email protected], including a 2-3 sentence summary of the program or research that will be presented, in addition to a description or attachment of visual aids that may augment the description (if available).

Once the Poster Session proposal has been accepted, presenters must submit the full poster description (called an “abstract”) by Monday, 3 June. Abstracts should be between 200-500 words long. Each abstract will be posted on the WJP website in advance of the Forum. In addition, participants should also provide a PDF version of their poster to the WJP by Friday, 28 June. This version will be linked to their abstract and available to be viewed in an archive after the completion of the Forum.


Please make sure your poster adheres to the following guidelines.

  • Poster Size: (Outer border) 1.22 meters tall by 1.83 meters wide (4x6 feet).
  • Font Size: Minimum 20-24 point font. The poster should be readable from a distance of two meters.
  • Presentation: The use of color is mandatory. Participants are also encouraged to make the poster visually pleasing. At a minimum, the poster should be equal parts visual aids and text.
  • Material: Optimally, posters should be printed on coated paper or soft fabric that can withstand the rigors of travel and can easily be mounted to a display with push-pins.


The WJP will provide mounting materials at the Forum, but participants are responsible for printing their own posters.

  • On-Site Printing: Printing can be arranged in advance, for a reasonable fee, through the official Forum print vendor, for delivery directly to the Poster Session venue.
  • Online Printing Options:,, &
  • Physical Printing Locations: Companies such as Fed Ex, Alphagraphics, and local print sesrvices generally have capacity to print large format presentations.


Presenters are required to have at least one member of their team present at their poster for the duration of the scheduled Poster Sessions:

    •  Monday, 8 July: 15.00 – 16.00
    •  Tuesday, 9 July: 13.30 – 14.30
    •  Wednesday, 10 July: 13.30 – 14.30
    •  Thursday, 11 July: 13.30 – 14.00

WJP will provide a small display surface for additional descriptive materials. Participants are encouraged to bring handouts or pamphlets for further advertising of their product or organization.

Click here to browse examples of the programs presented during the World Justice Forum.