Ai Weiwei, Artist and Architect, CHINA


Mark Agrast, Chair, World Justice Project Rule of Law Index, UNITED STATES


Rolf Alter, Director, Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), GERMANY


Manny Ansar, Singer & Executive Director, Festival au Désert, MALI


Jacob Appelbaum, Advocate, Security Researcher, & Developer at the TOR Project, UNITED STATES


Jean Baderschneider, President, End Human Trafficking Now; Chair, National Leadership Council, Polaris Project, SWITZERLAND


James E. Baker, Chief Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, UNITED STATES


Yasmin Batliwala, CEO, Advocates for International Development, UNITED KINGDOM


Kiran Bedi, Director General (ret.), Indian Police Service, INDIA


Laurel G. Bellows, President, American Bar Association (ABA), UNITED STATES


Lina Ben Mhenni, Tunisian Political Blogger, 'A Tunisian Girl', TUNISIA


Antonio Benjamin, Justice, National High Court of Brazil, BRAZIL


Jimmie Briggs, Founder, ManUp Campaign, UNITED STATES


Gidon Bromberg, Israeli Director of EcoPeace / Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME), ISRAEL


Matthew Bugher, Myanmar Project Manager, Justice Base, MYANMAR


Marilyn Carlson Nelson, Chairman, Carlson, UNITED STATES


Lord Carnwath, Justice, Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, UNITED KINGDOM


David Caron, Dean, The Dickson Poon School of Law, King's College London, UNITED KINGDOM


Maria Livanos Cattaui, Former Secretary-General, International Chamber of Commerce, SWITZERLAND


Innocent Chukwuma, Regional Representative, Ford Foundation, NIGERIA


Angela Ciccolo, Chief Legal Counsel, Special Olympics International, UNITED STATES


Hans Corell, Former Under-Secretary for Legal Affairs, United Nations, SWEDEN


Reza Deghati, Founder, Ainaworld; Journalist & Photographer, IRAN


Tara Dermott, Head of Development, MTV EXIT, UNITED STATES


Ruha Devanesan, Executive Director, Peacetones, UNITED STATES


Moya Dodd, Vice President, The Asian Football Confederation, AUSTRALIA


Shirin Ebadi, Founder and President, Defenders of Human Rights Center, IRAN


Sandra Elena, Justice Program Director, CIPPEC, ARGENTINA


Rick Falkvinge, Founder & Chief Evangelist, Pirate Party, SWEDEN


Caitlin D. Fisher, Co-Founder & Team Leader, Guerreiras Project, BRAZIL


David Fisher, Legal Research Officer, International Disaster Response Laws, Rules and Principles (IDRL) Programme of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, UNITED STATES


Sheri Flies, Assistant General Merchandising Manager, Costco Wholesale Corporation, UNITED STATES


Scott Fulton, Former General Counsel, U.S. Environmental Protection, UNITED STATES


Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States, UNITED STATES


Stephen Golub, Lecturer, School of Law, University of California, Berkeley, UNITED STATES


Hernando José Gómez, Former Director, Central Bank, COLOMBIA


Jonathan Gosier, Entrepreneur, Blogger, Designer, and Founder, metaLayer, UNITED STATES


Marnie Gustavson, Executive Director, PARSA, AFGHANISTAN


Abdulsalam Haykal, Founder & CEO, Haykal Media, Transtek Systems, TMS Mobile, SYRIA


Auret van Heerden, President & CEO, Fair Labor Association, SOUTH AFRICA


Mahmoud Hekmatnia, Associate Professor, Islamic Research Institute for Culture & Thought, IRAN


Roberto Hernández, Movie Director and Researcher, MEXICO


Alejandro Hope, Security Policy Analyst, IMCO and México Evalúa, MEXICO


Sabiha Husić, Director, Medica Zenica, BOSNIA


Anders Jägerskog, Associate Professor and Director of Knowledge Services, Stockholm International Water Institute, SWEDEN


Bawa Jain, Secretary General, World Council of Religious Leaders, UNITED STATES


Zanaa Jurmed, CEO, Citizens’ Alliance Fund, MONGOLIA


Donald Kaniaru, Chair, National Enviromental Tribunal of Kenya, KENYA


Angus Kelly, Senior Advisor, EU Public Affairs, Syngenta, UNITED KINGDOM


Anthony Kennedy, Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States, UNITED STATES


Philip Kennicott, Art and Architecture Critic, The Washington Post, UNITED STATES


Irene Khan, Director-General, International Development Law Organization, BANGLADESH


Patrick Kilbride, Executive Director, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Americas Division and Coalition for the Rule of Law, UNITED STATES


Ben F. Klappe, Director, Administrative Law Department, Ministry of Defense, NETHERLANDS


Simeon M.K. Koroma, Founding Director, Timap for Justice, SIERRA LEONE


Mehrézia Labidi-Maïza, Deputy Speaker, National Constituent Assembly, TUNISIA


Margaret Levi, Jere L. Bacharach Professor of International Studies, Department of Political Science, University of Washington; Chair in Politics, US Studies Centre, University of Sydney, UNITED STATES


William K. Lietzau, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Rule of Law & Humanitarian Policy, UNITED STATES


Zsuzsanna Lonti, Head of Unit Statistics and Indicators, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, HUNGARY


David Lorello, Partner, Covington & Burlington, UNITED KINGDOM


Nemata Majeks-Walker, Founder, The 50/50 Group of Sierra Leone, SIERRA LEONE


Thabo Makgoba, Archbishop of Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA


Mondli Makhanya, Former Editor in Chief, SOUTH AFRICA


Purnima Mane, President and Chief Executive Officer, Pathfinder International, INDIA


Vivek Maru, Founder & Director, Namati, INDIA


Ima Matul, Child Labor Survivor from the US; The Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST) Survivor Organizer, INDONESIA


Elizabeth Morrissey, Managing Partner, Kleiman International, UNITED STATES


John Mroz, President & CEO, EastWest Institute, UNITED STATES


Bahige Mulla Huech, Islamic Scholar, SPAIN


Sam Muller, Founding Director, The Hague Institute for the Internationalisation of Law, NETHERLANDS


Lotfullah Najafizada, Head of Current Affairs, TOLOnews, AFGHANISTAN


Zaza Namoradze, Director, Budapest office, Open Society Justice Initative, HUNGARY


William H. Neukom, Founder, President & CEO, The World Justice Project, UNITED STATES


Frank X. Neuner, Jr., Partner, Laborde & Neuner, UNITED STATES


Satoru Nishikawa, Director-General, Audit, Japan Water Agency, JAPAN


Ellen Gracie Northfleet, Former Chief Justice, Federal Supreme Court of Brazil, BRAZIL


Henry Odillo, Commander, Malawi Defence Force, MALAWI


Ebele Okeke, Water and Sanitation Hygiene Ambassador for Nigeria, NIGERIA


John Oldfield, CEO, WASH Advocates, UNITED STATES


Ivo Willem Opstelten, Minister of Security and Justice, NETHERLANDS


Faustina Pereira, Director, Human Rights & Legal Aid Services, BRAC, BANGLADESH


Angela Pinzon, Professor of Medicine, University El Rosario, COLOMBIA


Jacques-Philippe Piverger, Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer, MPOWERD, Inc., HAITI/USA


Óscar Leonardo Cadena Plata, Legal Advisor to the Secretariat of the Cabinet & Deputy Minister for Political Affairs, COLOMBIA


Roy Prosterman, Founder, Landesa, UNITED STATES


Katie Quan, Director, John F. Henning Center for International Labor Relations, University of California, Berkeley, UNITED STATES


Rachna Ramsurn, Cluster Leader, Ministry of Finance & Economic Development, MAURITIUS


K. Srinath Reddy, President, Public Health Foundation of India, INDIA


Peter J. Rees QC, Legal Director, Royal Dutch Shell plc, UNITED KINGDOM


Scott Rickards, President, CEO and Co-founder, Waterfund LLC, UNITED STATES


Kevin Riordan, Director General of Defence Legal Services, New Zealand Defence Force, NEW ZEALAND


Alfredo Romero, President, Foro Penal Venezolano, VENEZUELA


Anne Roulin, VP - R&D Sustainability Manager, Nestlé, SWITZERLAND


Nawal El Saadawi, Writer; Activist; Former Director General, Health Education Department, Egyptian Ministry of Health, EGYPT


Song Sang-Hyun, President, International Criminal Court, SOUTH KOREA


Scott Scherer, Vice President, Strategic Regulatory Policy, Boeing Capital Corporation, UNITED STATES


Edric Selous, Director, United Nations Rule of Law Unit, Executive Office of the Secretary-General, UNITED STATES


Mary Shuttleworth, Founder, Youth for Human Rights International (YHRI), SOUTH AFRICA


Santiago Siri, Founder and Chief Innovator, Grupo 42, ARGENTINA


Irit Tamir, Senior Advisor, Oxfam, UNITED STATES


David Torstensson, Vice President, Pugatch Consilium, ISRAEL


Mark Tran, Journalist, The Guardian, UNITED KINGDOM


Karen Tse, Founder, International Bridges to Justice, UNITED STATES


Katrin Verclas, Co-founder and Editor,, GERMANY


Ou Virak, President, Cambodian Center on Human Rights, CAMBODIA


Abidoun Williams, President, Hague Institute for Global Justice, NETHERLANDS


Sakena Yacoobi, Founder and Executive Director, Afghan Institute of Learning, AFGHANISTAN


Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, Professor and Dean, Faculty of Sharia and Law, International Islamic University, Islamabad, PAKISTAN