Advancing the Rule of Law Through Multidisciplinary Partnerships
May 6 - 7, 2009 | CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA
This second Africa-focused multidisciplinary outreach meeting hosted by the WJP brought together 83 leaders from 22 countries and a wide array of disciplines, including business, education, engineering, environment, faith, government, human rights, law, media, military, public health, science, and youth. Participants, 14 speakers, and 6 expert panelists, concurred on the importance of the rule of law and its crucial role in establishing communities of opportunity and equity.
The Cape Town Conference was the 6th regional action-oriented multidisciplinary meeting, following meetings on 5 continents in 2007-2008. These regional gatherings have engaged disciplinary leaders from 71 countries who identified critical areas where collaborative cross-disciplinary efforts will advance the rule of law; many of whom attended the first World Justice Forum and are now carrying forward on-the-ground work.
Countries represented at the Conference included Angola, Bermuda, Botswana, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, the Gambia, Uganda, the USA, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
The main objective of this action-oriented Conference was to encourage multidisciplinary collaboration and generate new cross-disciplinary plans for action to advance the rule of law. Another goal of the Conference was to present and solicit feedback on multidisciplinary rule of law work currently underway, particularly the Africa-based Opportunity Fund programs.
As part of WJP’s upcoming mainstreaming activities, founder William H. Neukom announced a $40,000 2009-2010 round of the Opportunity Fund in support of multidisciplinary action plans to advance the rule of law that were conceived at the Conference.
Read about our other regional meetings in Kuala Lumpur and Lima or about our World Justice Forums.