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At World Justice Forum IV, WJP Board of Directors member Mondli Makhanya ended the week's events with a reading of the Closing Declaration. Mr Makhanya also delivered a moving tribute to Nelson Mandela, highlighting his legacy of service in advancing the rule of law both at home in South Africa and in the world at large. 

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At World Justice Forum IV, Zsuzsanna Lonti, Head of Unit Statistics and Indicators for the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), WJP Executive Director Juan Botero, and WJP Chief Research Officer Dr. Alejandro Ponce discussed global rule of law in context of findings from the Rule of Law Index®. 

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(This concludes a two-part series on land rights and the rule of law, as shared with us by WJP Strategic Partner Landesa.) During my two decades of work as a promoter of good governance and the Rule of Law, I have seen interest in the field ebb and flow. In the 60s and 70s, the Law and Development Movement centered on developing the Rule of Law progressively and with limited support from bilateral donors or international organizations.

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(Following is the first post in a two-part series on land rights and the rule of law, as shared with us by WJP Strategic Partner Landesa.) More than 17 million rural families—children, women and men—across India are invisible. They are invisible to the government and to society because they do not own any land. They do not appear in any government records and that means they cannot access a wide variety of existing and new government services.

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At World Justice Forum IV, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg moderated a discussion with esteemed panelists Former Chief Justice of Brazil, Ellen Gracie Northfleet, and Iranian human rights activist and 2013 WJP Rule of Law Award winner Dr. Shirin Ebadi. Their talk focused on a variety of rule of law issues,  including human rights, promoting equal access to justice, establishing or reestablishing transparent institutions and systems, and equal access to the health system. 

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At World Justice Forum IV, moderator John Oldfield, CEO of WASH Advocates, led paneslists Gidon Bromberg (Director, Friends of the Earth Middle East, Israel); Anders Jagerskog (Director of KNowledge Services, Stockholm International Water Institute, Sweden); Ebele Okeke (Water & Sanitation Hygiene Ambassador for Nigeria); and Scott Rickards (President, Waterfund LLC, USA) in a riveting discussion focusing on promoting better access to safe drinking water, the role of technology and governments in water management and infrastructure, and the importance of water safety in orde

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Last Monday, the UN released its second annual World Happiness Report. Encouragingly, the report showed that the world has overall become a slightly happier and more generous place over the past five years. This made us curious; how does a country’s happiness compare to its level of rule of law and how might these two concepts be related?

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A look around the world at the latest rule of law events taking place in September: New round of Kosovo Dialogue A new round of  talks between the Republic of Serbia and the partially recognised Republic of Kosovo will take place on September 8th, 2013. The Belgrade–Pristina negotiations began in March 2011, and they are the first negotiations between the two entities since Kosovo declared independence.

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Providing access to justice is the lifework of human rights lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa, rule of law heroine, and the face of Zimbabwe's legal governance crisis, as depicted in feature documentary film "Beatrice Mtetwa and the Rule of Law." In spite of beatings by police, Beatrice Mtetwa has courageously defended

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At World Justice Forum IV, panelists Jimmie Briggs, founder of the ManUp Campaign; Sabiha Husic, director of MedicaZenica; renowned scholar and activist Nawal el Saadawi; and Angela Pinzon, Professor of Medicine at University El Rosario, examined the relationship between the status and rights of women and the pervasive health issues that they face, discussing efforts to improve access to health services, clean water and sanitation, as well as commodities in the supply chain to integrate services of health, education and nutrition.

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On August 12, former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton was honored with the 2013 ABA medal, its highest honor, in recognition of “distinguished service by a lawyer to the cause of American jurisprudence.”   “I am so deeply grateful to you for this award, and I am humbled by those who have received it in the past, to join their company in some small measure, to continue the work that the ABA has championed,” said Secretary Clinton.

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Last week, the Skoll World Forum, in partnership with WJP and Thompson Reuters Foundation, launched a special series on global justice featuring participants of our World Justice Forum IV (convened last month in The Hague, Netherlands). Speakers were asked to reflect on a wide range of issues including land rights, access to water, criminal justice, and more.   The series concluded today and can be found here: Skoll World Forum: A Special Series on Global Justice.

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