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Since June 30, when millions of Egyptians took to the street in protest, Egypt has found itself in another period of political instability with a tragic loss of life and intense turmoil.

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At World Justice Forum IV our panel food experts Angus Kelly of Syngenta; Roy Prosterman, Founder of Landesa; Anne Roulin, VP - R&D Sustainability Manager of Nestlé; and Irit Tamir, Senior Campaigns and Advocacy Advisor, Oxfam discussed opportunities to build a better food system, how to ensure greater economic prosperity, how to develop a better life for impoverished farmers, and how to achieve more stable food system for generations to come.

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On day two of the World Justice Forum IV, past opportunity fund grantees spoke about their projects and their journey from idea to implementation, collaboration to collective advancement.    Moderated by Sandra Elena, Justice Program Director at CIPPEC and manager of the FORES project (2008), panelists included Matthew Bugher, Myanmar Project Manager at Justice Base; Ruha Devanesan, Executive Director at PeaceTones; Marnie Gustavson, Executive Director at PARSA; Zanaa Jurmed, Coordinator at national CEDAW Watch Network; and Nemata Ma

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At the World Justice Forum IV, Nemata Majeks-Walker, Founder of the 50/50 Group, is interviewed by Radha Friedman, Director of Programs at the WJP, about working with tribal leaders and informal justice institutions to help women access their civil rights within the formal justice framework, increase political participation and representation in government, and combat gender bias.   To increase awareness of women’s legal rights, the 50/50 Group translated the three gender acts –The Registration of Customary Marriage and Divorce Act, the D

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At the World Justice Forum IV, renowned artists including photographer Reza Deghati, Chinese artist Ai Weiwei, singer Manny Answar, and filmmaker Roberto Hernandez discussed the ways in which art can be used to educate people about their rights, the mediums that artists employ to raise awareness about rights, and the effects when an artist transforms into a representative of the people or the government.   Artists and their work hold the power to transcend social, economic, and educational differences and bring political discourse to a gl

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2013 Theme: "Indigenous peoples building alliances: Honouring treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements" The International Day of the World's Indigenous People (9 August) was first proclaimed by the General Assembly in December 1994, to be celebrated every year during the first International Decade of the World's Indigenous People (1995 – 2004).

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On 10 July of the World Justice Forum IV, Judge Song Sang-Hyun, president of the International Criminal Court, delivered a keynote address and reiterated his belief that we are ready for great advances, but that advances in justice will require hard work.   Judge Song's keynote address underscored the importance of our undertaking: “The force of law must prevail over the law of force.”

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On 9 July, the Security and Law Enforcement panel at World Justice Forum IV explored the ways in which law enforcers approach and defend against local national threats; what happens when local/national borders blur; and how to defend the people’s rights in addition to the people.

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At the World Justice Forum IV, Ruha Devanesan, Executive Director of the Internet Bar Organization, is interviewed by Radha Friedman, Director of Programs at the WJP, about the Peacetones project incubated at the innaugural World Justice Forum to improve the economic prospects of musicians from disadvantaged areas through empowering them to create, protect, and sell their music throughout the world.    The PeaceTones Initiative helped to produce four albums: PeaceTones Brazil, PeaceTones Haiti, PeaceTones Sierra Leone, and Peace

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A look around the world at the latest rule of law events taking place in August The ILO's Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) will come into effect starting in August 2013 The MLC provides comprehensive rights and protection at work for the world's more than 1.2 million seafarers.

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On July 11, The World Justice Forum Panel on Environmental Governance explored the different elements of effective governance to form an integrated and self-reinforcing system, with clear, implementable and enforceable laws, meaningful public engagement, access to environmental information, and more.   The panel also considered recent developing country innovations in strengthening environmental governance, how progress on governance in the environmental sector can be measured, and how efforts to strengthen environmental governance can be

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The Technology panel at the World Justice Forum IV discussed the benefits and complications that accompany technological advances, and also explored what doors technology might open next.   As technology expands into new fields, people discover innovative ways to access and share information that can improve the standard of living for people all over the world.

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At the World Justice Forum IV, Tarh Frambo, Country Director of the Global Citizen's Initiative in Cameroon, is interviewed by Radha Friedman, Director of Programs at the WJP, about the program he incubated with support from WJP to address corruption in the public health care system of Cameroon.    Pervasive corruption in Cameroon’s public health system has left millions of at-risk adults and children without access to basic health services.

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