The WJP engages its global network to create practical, locally-led programs led by non-traditional advocates often outside the justice system, such as artists, engineers, and healthcare workers. This library catalogs on-the-ground rule of law solutions the WJP has inspired and fostered through early-stage funding and network connections in 61 countries to date.

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The AJCC created a Youth Parliament to address an increase in youth crime rates in Israel, as well as the conflict between Jewish and Arab youth populations. Thirty Arab and Jewish youth from ...

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To address corruption and poor regulatory enforcement in the private sector, CAD worked with Peruvian corporations to develop and sign rule of law pledges. The pledges were complemented by a series of ...

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This program created a rule of law and civic engagement curriculum to address the lack of practical education on issues related to citizenry, rights, and values in Argentina. Through this program ...

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To increase awareness and understanding about the rule of law in Nigeria and to emphasize the media’s role in holding the government accountable, HDI worked with the local media to develop the radio ...

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Intellectual property laws in developing countries are often weak and many artists and musicians – particularly those from disadvantaged areas – are unaware of their rights and how to seek redress if ...

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