The WJP engages its global network to create practical, locally-led programs led by non-traditional advocates often outside the justice system, such as artists, engineers, and healthcare workers. This library catalogs on-the-ground rule of law solutions the WJP has inspired and fostered through early-stage funding and network connections in 61 countries to date.

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In India, the urban poor are often unable to exercise their basic rights, such as accessing courts and social services. The Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) developed an integrated plan to ...

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To address the issue of balancing efforts to counter violent extremism and protect human rights, this program published the book, “Counter-Terrorism: International Law and Practice,” and created a ...

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Despite Sierra Leone’s three landmark acts designed to expand women's rights, most women were unaware of their right to obtain a divorce, inherit property, and seek justice for domestic violence. The ...

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