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At the end of 2023, the SDG 16 Data Initiative published a new report that finds critical shortcomings on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16. A ‘Bold New Agenda’ is Falling Short: The Perils and Promises of SDG 16 brings together analyses from various organizations to offer insights into the current state of play for eight of the official SDG 16 targets and recommendations for policymakers seeking to drive progress on this important goal.  

SDG 16 seeks to “promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.” 

The World Justice Project (WJP) contributed a chapter on SDG Target 16.3, which seeks to advance the rule of law and access to justice. While official data on Target 16.3 is relatively limited, that which exists suggests a lack of progress and the likelihood of most countries failing to fulfill this important part of the 2030 Agenda on time. Leveraging findings from WJP’s access to justice research, the chapter demonstrates how civil society data can supplement official data and provide novel insights. For example, while only five countries and territories report data on the use of formal and informal dispute resolution mechanisms as outlined in SDG Indicator 16.3.3 in the SDG Database, WJP has estimated what proportion of the people could resolve disputes in 62 countries.  

Despite the current lack of progress, it is not too late to correct course. Leaders seeking to advance progress on SDG Target 16.3 should focus on improving data availability and investing in sustainable, effective interventions. Further, engaging with civil society actors and broadening the conversation on Target 16.3 will facilitate progress on people-centered justice

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We create a press release for every country considered in the WJP Rule of Law Index, available in different languages. To find a specific press release, go to the relevant region and select the country of interest from the drop-down menu. For press inquiries please contact us at [email protected]

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Released today, the annual World Justice Project (WJP) Rule of Law Index® evaluates a wide variety of rule of law indicators in 142 countries and jurisdictions. Two weeks out from the 2024 election, the U.S. ranking on the Index sub-factor that measures confidence in elections has dropped from 37th to 43rd globally.

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The World Justice Project (WJP) is thrilled to announce that the next edition of the World Justice Forum will take place June 23 – 26, 2025 in Warsaw, Poland, in partnership with the Polish Ministry of Justice.   The World Justice Forum is the premier international event for the rule of law, convening influential rule of law and justice stakeholders from around the world to exchange best practices, collaborate, and commit to action.  

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