Search our directory of leading organizations advancing the rule of law worldwide. New content will be added on a rolling basis. Interested in learning more? Read about our Resource Hub listings here.

Organization Name Organization Name (Local Language) Country Factors Organization Description
Follow The Money Nigeria
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption

It is an initiative developed by CODE to effectively track governmental spending and funds distributed by international aid organizations. It is comprised of a network of journalists, data wranglers, and legal practitioners, among others interested in the use of open data for transparency and accountability.

Follow the Money  Canada
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption
Factor 3: Open Government

It is a collaborative data journalism project that tracks donations made to politicians and parties. The team is comprised of journalists from Postmedia, developers from Qlik, and academics from the University of Toronto. Their goal is to provide an accessible search tool for contributions at the federal level, as well as in every province and territory.

Food Security Working Group ??????????????????? ?????????????????????????? Myanmar
Factor 5: Order and Security
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement

It is a professional network of local and international organizations interested in food security in Myanmar. It provides capacity building and advocacy services, as well as support and coordination for activities associated with food production, representation of growers, and food laws.

For Empowering Women - FEW Japan
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

It is a women's networking organization that supports and empowers women to achieve their full personal and professional potential. Its members include professionals from different backgrounds and membership is open to any woman, irrespective of her nationality.

For the Smile of a Child Pour le Sourire d'un Enfant Senegal
Factor 8: Criminal Justice

Works to give access to education and training, along with fencing programs for minor detainees and marginalised youths to promote social reinsertion.

Fordham University School of Law United States
Factor 7: Civil Justice

Seeks to educate young lawyers for the advancement of the spirit of justice and the rule of law in practice for all people.

Forensic Accountants Contadores Forenses Argentina
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption

Investigates cases of economic fraud, and trains and puts tool to the disposal of organizations working on the fight against corruption.

Forensic Anthropology Foundation of Guatemala Fundación de Antropologia Forense de Guatemala - FAFG Guatemala
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Factor 8: Criminal Justice

FAFG is an autonomous technical and scientific organization that works to strengthen the justice system in Guatemala and advancement of human rights. Their activities include the collection of evidence, research, documentation, and raising awareness concerning human rights violations.

Foro de Estudios sobre la Administracion de Justica (FORES) Argentina
Factor 7: Civil Justice

WJP Program Grantee Title: Growing up with the Rule of Law (2009-2010)
Works to train lawyers, uphold the rule of law and provide access to justice for all citizens.

Foro Penal Venezolano Venezuela
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Factor 7: Civil Justice

A non-governmental, non-profit working to actively defend and promote human rights in Venezuela.

Fortify Rights Thailand
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

Fortify Rights works to prevent and remedy human rights violations through technical support for human rights defenders, as well as independent monitoring and advocacy. Their services include on-the-ground training in human rights documentation, legal research, and strategic advocacy support.

Forum for African Women Educationalists (Burkina Faso Chapter) Burkina Faso
Factor 3: Open Government
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

FAWE works on increasing girls' access to education by providing scholarships for tuition, books, and clothes, as well as literacy clinics and policy advocacy for educational reforms.

Forum for African Women Educationalists (Malawi Chapter) Malawi
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement

UNICEF local chapter working to reach out to young girls in communities. The organization also works to monitor government on the implementation of progressive educational reform towards the Education for All goal.

Forum for Rural Welfare and Agricultural Reform for Development (FORWARD Nepal) Nepal
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement

FORWARD Nepal aims at reducing poverty in rural communities through integrated and sustainable development interventions. FORWARD's program activities are focused towards improving food security, household incomes and resource conservation to contribute to sustainable rural livelihoods.

Forum for Women in Democracy Uganda
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Factor 7: Civil Justice

Promotes gender equality in democratic processes by providing a platform for women to network and advocate for each other's needs

Forum for Women, Law and Development (FWLD) Nepal
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

FWLD works for the protection, promotion and enjoyment human rights. In order to eliminate all forms of discrimination, FWLD uses law as an instrument to ensure the rights of women, children, minorities and all other marginalized groups.

Foundation Earth Fundación Tierra Bolivia
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement

Foundation Earth fosters ideas and proposals that contribute to a sustainable rural development of indigenous and peasant populations. It promotes equitable access to natural resources, land, and territory through an evidence-based research methodology. Their areas of work include food security and sovereignty, women's access to land, and indigenous nations and autonomy, to name a few.

Foundation Esquipulas Fundación Esquipulas Guatemala
Factor 5: Order and Security
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement

The Foundation contributes to the construction of a developed, integrated, just, and equitable Central America by promoting peace, democracy, security, and the rule of law. It produces analyses and debate, and creates spaces that promote diversity for dialogue, education, and advocacy.

Foundation for a Clean and Transparent Thailand ‡?õ‡?£‡??‡?ć?ó‡?®‡?ч?ó‡?¢‡?ɇ?™‡?™‡??‡??‡??‡?î ‡?õ‡?£‡??‡?®‡?à‡??‡?Ň?ч??‡?£‡?å‡?£‡?±‡?õ‡?ä‡?±‡?à‡?ô Thailand
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption

The Foundation is an inititiative of the Moral Promotion Center which is associated with the Ministry of Culture. The Foundation seeks to develop a culture of respect for ethics and morality, good governance, and transparency in Thailand by establishing partnerships with the private, public, and civil society sectors.

Foundation for Democratic Processes (FODEP) Zambia
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption

Works to monitor and reform electoral processes to promote good governance, democracy, and human rights through election monitoring and civic education

Foundation for Gender Equity Fundación para la Equidad de Género - Fundagénero Panama
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

The organization is dedicated to the protection of women's rights and the eradication of all forms of violence against women in Panama.

Foundation for Human Rights and Democracy (FOHDR) Liberia
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption
Factor 5: Order and Security
Factor 7: Civil Justice

Trains and deploys staff to work on community justice, corruption, democratic development and civilian security throughout Liberia, with three dedicated working and research centres.

Foundation for Human Rights Initiative (FHRI) Uganda
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

Promotes human rights and respect for civic values through research and advocacy, legal services, and civic education

Foundation for Journalism Fundación para el Periodismo Bolivia
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

The Foundation for Journalism advances citizen participation and quality journalism by educating professionals critical to current social and political issues, such as human rights and democracy. Activities include citizen journalism workshops to promote activism in local neighborhoods and schools.

Foundation for Justice and the Rule of Law State Fundacion para la Justicia y el Estado Democratico de Derecho Mexico
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

NGO working to defend victims of human rights abuses, especially migrants, and promote the portability of their human rights through local mechanisms and a network of practicioners.