This post has been updated to reflect that the 2019 World Justice Forum occurred April 29-May 2, 2019. Learn more about the 2019 World Justice Forum below, and visit the Forum website here.
The World Justice Forum 2019 was an important milestone for building a worldwide community dedicated to realizing justice for all. As a meeting place for governmental and non-governmental actors, private sector leaders, and the donor community, the Forum addressed principal challenges to delivering justice and provided space for advancing concrete solutions.
WJP devoted its 2019 Forum to the global effort to deliver on the promise of "justice for all" of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 16. Access to justice is a fundamental component of rule of law, and the failure of justice systems to meet justice needs compounds inequality and erodes trust in institutions.
The 2019 Forum gathered our community for a challenging and inspiring four days to strengthen our understanding of the justice gap, identify solutions, and motivate action for change. Highlights of the event included the launch of the Justice for All report, which revealed new data (as featured in World Justice Project's Measuring the Justice Gap report) showing that 5 billion people have unmet justice needs globally. The launch of the report sparked new thinking on the opportunity for a people-centered approach and the need for global action to close the justice gap. In response, governments, organizations, and individuals joined in showcasing their justice initiatives and Commitments to Justice at the conclusion of the World Justice Forum.
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