For centuries, the United States was seen as a global leader on the rule of law.  

The pioneering U.S. Constitution was the first to enshrine key checks and balances that prevent abuses of government power. Its Bill of Rights guaranteed fundamental freedoms for the people themselves.  

Over the years, the United States expanded the reach of its founding rule of law principles to protect more people at home and to influence many countries abroad. 

But today, the World Justice Project (WJP) Rule of Law Index shows that the rule of law is declining globally

How is U.S. rule of law doing? Take the quiz and find out! 


Explore the 2023 WJP Rule of Law Index

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How can U.S. bar leaders and lawyers take an active role in addressing the nation’s significant rule of law challenges? That was the topic of a recent 21st Century Lawyer program hosted by the National Conference of Bar Presidents (NCBP) in partnership with the World Justice Project (WJP) Lawyers Defending American Democracy, the Divided Community Project at Ohio State University, and the American Bar Association (ABA).

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Last month, in Mexico City’s historic center, a diverse group of state and federal officials took the stage to explore what’s working to improve the rule of law in Mexico. Addressing an audience of policymakers, donors, advocates, and business leaders, the officials discussed progress such as reduced corruption in the state of Sinaloa, safer communities in Chihuahua, greater access to justice in Querétaro, enhanced regulatory enforcement in Sonora, and improved labor protections across the country.

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