Register below to join us virtually on Monday, September 30 to celebrate the World Justice Project’s 15th anniversary of advancing the rule of law worldwide. Our livestream event will feature a special symposium on contemporary challenges to the rule of law.
Monday September 30 at 4 p.m. EDT
Expert Discussion I: Checks and Balances: Current Challenges to the Norms and Institutions that Guarantee Rule of Law
- The Honorable J. Michelle Childs, U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
- Joshua Geltzer, Deputy White House Counsel, and Legal Adviser, National Security Council
- The Honorable Diane P. Wood, Director, American Law Institute
Moderator: William C. Hubbard, Dean, Joseph F. Rice School of Law, University of South Carolina; Co-founder and Board Chair, World Justice Project
Expert Discussion II: Rule of Law Implications for Global Business and Economic Prosperity
- Horacio Gutierrez, Senior Executive Vice President, Chief Legal and Compliance Officer, The Walt Disney Company
- Rhoda Weeks-Brown, General Counsel and Director, Legal Department, International Monetary Fund
- William H. Neukom, Former Lead Lawyer, Microsoft Corporation; Co-founder and President, World Justice Project
Moderator: Judy Perry Martinez, Vice President, World Justice Project and Co-Chair, World Justice Project Leadership Council