Malaysian National News Agency

Bernama- Malaysian National News Agency

Malaysia is ranked the safest of 19 upper-middle income nations in the world, according to the World Justice Project's Rule of Law Index 2011 report. Home Ministry secretary-general Datuk Abdul Rahim Mohd Radzi said Malaysia was also deemed the 12th safest country, faring better than the United States and Britain. "The GTP (Government Transformation Programme) and Crime Reduction NKRA (National Key Result Areas) have received international recognition, for example. "The Global Peace Index has placed Malaysia as the safest and peaceful country in South-East Asia, and fourth in the Asia Pacific," he said in a speech when closing a current safety issues briefing here today. His speech text was read by the ministry's (registration and immigration division) deputy secretary-general Datuk Wan Ali Besar. He said a study carried out by the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) found that the public were less fearful when caught in a crime situation last year, due to measures undertaken by the government, as compared to 2010. "Many may wonder what effect this has on the country. An example would be that Malaysia's foreign direct investment standing was recorded at 10th position last year, as compared to 21st in 2010. "This is proof of confidence among foreign investors over our country's political climate, safety and stability," he said, adding that it indicated the ministry's plans to reduce crime were successful. 

Malaysian National News Agency
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