The COVID-19 pandemic is having dramatic effects on many facets of the rule of law around the world. Growing barriers to access to justice, rising manipulation of emergency powers, and intensifying pressures on civil society and independent media are together eroding fundamental principles of good democratic governance and the rule of law. These early warning signs from the pandemic crisis come on the heels of growing evidence that the rule of law, particularly in such areas as fundamental rights, corruption, and constraints on executive powers, continues to decline in most countries, according to the latest World Justice Project Rule of Law Index.
On May 27, 2020, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Brussels and the World Justice Project co-hosted a webinar with rule of law practitioners and supporters focused on recent developments in Africa and the European Neighborhood. The discussion will feature expert inputs from implementers in the field as well as key officials engaged in shaping EU and US rule of law policies and programs in these regions.
Watch the event recording below. Learn more about the event here.