Released January 7, 2019, "Access to Justice," the Winter 2019 issue of Dædalus, offers a multidisciplinary examination of America's national crisis in civil legal services. From the social and economic costs of an often unresponsive legal system, to the opportunities for improvement offered by new technologies, professional innovations, and fresh ways of thinking, "Access to Justice" carefully considers challenges and discusses efforts needed to address the fundamental problems of restricted and unequal access to justice.
A diverse group of authors for the issue bring a true multidisciplinary approach, with essay contributions from scholars, lawyers, judges, business and nonprofit leaders, and more. Past Rule of Law Talk podcast guest Rebecca Sandefur serves as both a guest editor and an essay contributor for the issue.
All essays in "Access to Justice" from Dædalus are freely available online at this link. Find this and other resources for the World Justice Forum VI: "Realizing Justice for All" in our World Justice Forum VI Resources.