The global COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted and reinforced longstanding structural inequalities and governance weaknesses, including in many countries in the Asia Pacific region. Join us to explore the rule of law dimensions of the pandemic at the Asia Pacific Regional Launch of the 2021 World Justice Project (WJP) Rule of Law Index®, the world’s leading source for original rule of law data. The 2021 Index is the first in this annual series to capture rule of law changes during the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Since 2009, WJP has documented rule of law trends in its annual WJP Rule of Law Index®, expanded this year to cover 139 countries and jurisdictions. The Index relies on first-hand reports from more than 138,000 households and 4,200 expert surveys to measure how the rule of law is experienced and perceived in practical, everyday situations. The Index covers such rule of law factors as constraints on government power, fundamental rights, corruption, discrimination, security, and the functioning of regulatory, criminal, and civil justice systems. This quantitative tool provides citizens, governments, policymakers, donors, businesses, media, academics, and civil society organizations around the world with a comprehensive comparative analysis of countries’ adherence to universal rule of law principles.

Supporting Partner

The Law Society of Singapore

Keynote Speaker

Sundaresh Menon, The Honourable The Chief Justice of Singapore


Simon Chesterman, Law Dean, National University of Singapore


Shreya Basu, Deputy Director and Regional Lead, Asia-Pacific, Open Government Partnership

John Nery, Opinion Columnist at the Philippine Daily Inquirer

Moe Thuzar, Fellow & Coordinator, Myanmar Studies Programme, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies

Fu Hualing, Professor in Law, and holder of the Warren Chan Professorship in Human Rights and Responsibilities, University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law


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