Search our directory of leading organizations advancing the rule of law worldwide. New content will be added on a rolling basis. Interested in learning more? Read about our Resource Hub listings here.

Organization Name Organization Name (Local Language) Country Factors Organization Description
Legal Studies Institute of El Salvador Instituto de Estudios Jurídicos de El Salvador El Salvador
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement
Factor 8: Criminal Justice

Works to provide legal research, assistance and education on different legal topics, and specialise in transitional justice and the monitoring of the electoral system.

Criminal Research Institute - UNAM Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas - UNAM Mexico
Factor 8: Criminal Justice

Works to train and educate future lawyers and to contribute to public debate on the criminal Justice system through research, along with providing training courses for police officers.

Institution of Social Research and Management (INGES) Instituto de Investigaciones y Gestión Social (INGES) Nicaragua
Factor 3: Open Government
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

INGES is committed to working locally to develop sustainable programs, empower women and activate citizen democratic participation through their work promoting local communities in the Citizen Participation Act.

Criminal Justice Institute Instituto de Justicia Procesal Penal Mexico
Factor 8: Criminal Justice

An Institute that works to promote human rights within the justice system. They have been leaders of the judiciary reform in Mexico, and work to promote due process and access to information.

Institute for Public Criminal Defense Instituto de la Defensa Pública Penal - IDPP Guatemala
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Factor 7: Civil Justice
Factor 8: Criminal Justice

It is a public and autonomous institution created to guarantee the rights of defense and due process. Their programs include legal assistance services for female victims of violence or discrimination and public criminal defense services.

Institute for Strategic Thinking Agora (IPEA) Instituto de Pensamiento Estrategico Agora A.C. (IPEA) Mexico
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 3: Open Government

A group of young leaders which works to design and develop policies and social projects to promote good governance in Mexico. It combines quality research and citizen projects in order to drive change in Mexican society.

Institute for Press and Society Instituto de Prensa y Sociedad (IPYS) Peru
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

IPYS works to promote and protect the rights of journalists, freedom of expression and speech in Peru. Through trainings, monitoring of cases and diffusion of information it seeks to develop a healthy environment for the media in Peru.

Honduran Institute for Children and Families (INHFA) Instituto Hondureno de la Ninez y de la Familia (INHFA) Honduras
Factor 7: Civil Justice

Set up a program to socially reintegrate children who are in conflict with the law and violence reduction programs with families.

Igarapé Institute Instituto Igarapé Brazil
Factor 5: Order and Security
Factor 8: Criminal Justice

Works towards integrating the security, justice and development agendas of Brazil through research, advocacy, new technologies and project development aimed at improving citizen security, drug laws and peace.

Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO) Instituto Mexicano para la Competitividad Mexico
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption

Research Institute evaluating public policy decisions through a national index of performance revue compared with other countries in the world.

National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism (INADI) Instituto Nacional contra la Discriminación, la Xenofobia y el Racismo (INADI) Argentina
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

Develops national policy against discrimination, federal policy to be developed by civil society organizations, in order to reach an integrated society.

National Institute for Human Rights (INDH) Instituto Nacional de Derechos Humanos (INDH) Chile
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers

Works to develop a true culture of human rights, through government monitoring, recommendations and citizen education.

The National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) Mexico
Factor 3: Open Government

Produces quality statistics and geographical information about themes relating to Mexico such as the population and economic census, for use by politicians and citizens.

National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI) Instituto Nacional de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales (INAI) Mexico
Factor 3: Open Government

National Institute promoting access to information and transparency in Mexico, along with the protection of personal data through the Infomex platform.

National Institute of Commerce Instituto Nacional del Comercio Chile
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption

Began giving courses on Ethics, Transparency and Integrity in 2015, where students and professionals participated on the link between private and public sector.

AntiCorruption Institute Instituto Não Aceito Corrupção Brazil
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption

Works to provide research on corruption cases and to influence public policy and make corruption visible through research projects, advocacy and education to end corruption in Brazil

Nicaraguan Institute of Taxation Research and Studies (INIET) Instituto Nicaragüense de Investigaciones y Estudios Tributarios (INIET) Nicaragua
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement

INIET is the leading body researching and informing public policy on taxes in Nicaragua and social justice within the social security system.

Panamanian Institute of Law and New Technologies Instituto Panameño de Derecho y Nuevas Tecnologías - IPANDETEC Panama
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption
Factor 3: Open Government

It works in Panama and throughout Central America to promote the use and regulation of information and communication technologies and the defense of human rights in the digital environment.

Institute for Development and Democracy (IPADE) Instituto para el Desarrollo y la Democracia (IPADE) Nicaragua
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption
Factor 3: Open Government
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement

IPADE is the leading organization in the development of local democracy and participation efforts. It engages youths, women and indigenous populations on the subjects of sustainability, equality and democracy, along with producing reports on regulatory matters such as ID cards, and monitoring the electoral process.

Institute for Security and Democracy (Insyde) Instituto para la Seguridad y la Democrcia, A.C. (Insyde) Mexico
Factor 5: Order and Security

Organizes conferences and roundtables with journalists, academics and security experts, to design empirical studies instruments and accountability mechanisms for the police force.

Institute for Women in Migration (Imumi) Instituto para las Mujeres en Migracion, A.C. (Imumi) Mexico
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

Seeks to develop strategies and policies that recognise the place of women in the migration process and can cater to their specific needs.

Press and Society Institute of Venezuela Instituto Prensa y Sociedad de Venezuela - IPYS Venezuela Venezuela
Factor 3: Open Government
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

IPYS defends freedom of expression and the right of access to information, as well as advocates for guarantees for a free and plural journalism that holds power accountable. Their areas of work include research and monitoring concerning the rights of freedom of expression and access to information, as well as offering trainings and workshops for journalists.

Private Institute for Climate Change Research Instituto Privado de Investigación sobre Cambio Climático - ICC Guatemala
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement

ICC creates and promotes initiatives that mitigate and facilitate adaptation to climate change in the region based on technical and scientific guidelines, as well as economic feasibility. It has a qualified team of professionals committed to performing research, activities, and programs in the Pacific Slope of Guatemala.

Reclame Aqui Institute - Colour of Corruption Instituto Reclame Aqui - Vigie Aqui Brazil
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption

A plugin for your web browser that tracks public officials who have unresolved legal issues and/or are involved in cases of corruption.

Sou da Paz Institute Instituto Sou da Paz Brazil
Factor 5: Order and Security
Factor 8: Criminal Justice

Works to reduce violence and improve security and the criminal justice system through community dialogue, projects with youth and police and mobilisation around certain issues to drive and change public policy.