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Organization Name Organization Name (Local Language) Country Factors Organization Description
Tanzania Bora Initiative Tanzania
Factor 3: Open Government

Through Media and Arts, Tanzania Bora Initiative engages the youth community in providing civic educational programs and projects based on effective leadership, democracy and accountability, good governance, Human rights, and development issues.

Tanzania Child Rights Forum Tanzania
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

It provides networking with member organizations, reaching approximately 200 non-governmental institutions that work with children in Tanzania. It works to strengthen independent child led forums in communities, and forums of individuals and parents who wish to take an active role in the defense of child's rights.

Tanzania Ending Child Marriage Network - TECMN Tanzania
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

It is a coalition of 35 civil society organizations working to end child marriage in Tanzania. It seeks to increase awareness of the harmful impact of child marriage at the community, national, and international levels. It advocates for policy reforms to end child marriage and resource mobilization to support married girls, and girls at risk.

Tanzania Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative - TEITI Tanzania
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement

It is an initiative that aims to increase transparency and accountability in the extractive sector in Tanzania. It is regulated by the global standard of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and is committed to disclose company payments and government receipts of taxes and revenues from the extractive sector.

Tanzania Federation of Disabled People’s Organizations - SHIVYAWATA Tanzania
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

It was established in 1992, and brings together ten national disabled people’s organizations through lobbying and advocacy. It has been implementing a three year advocacy project for the promotion of rights and equalization of opportunities for persons with disabilities in Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda.

Tanzania Gender Networking Program Tanzania
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

It is a feminist non-governmental organization which promotes gender equality and social justice. It aims to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women and other marginalized groups, whether due to class, sex, gender, age, ethnicity, disability, geographical, and nationality.

Tanzania Health and Medical Education Foundation (TAHMEF) Tanzania
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

Founded in 2015, it aims to improve health care and well-being for Tanzanians of all ages, contributing to health care provision and deliverance. It perceives health care as a fundamental right that should be available for all individuals with the highest attainable standards of care from well trained medical personnel.

Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition Tanzania
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers

It strives to maximize the protection, respect, and recognition of HRDs in Tanzania through, advocacy, capacity building, protection, and connecting defenders with relevant regional and international bodies.

Tanzania Journalists Alliance - TAJOA Tanzania
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

It is Tanzania's first union for journalists. It invites all media workers, press people and citizens for critical perspectives on governance, development, human rights, and other issues. It has a media monitoring component that evaluates the impact of media houses on society. It also analyses current research regarding citizen media trends, both internationally and within Tanzania.

Tanzania Journalists for Conservation - TJC Tanzania
Factor 5: Order and Security
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement

It is a movement aimed at improving media coverage of conservation efforts in the country. Their major objective is to guarantee conservation coverage in the media. Their other roles are to advocate to the society on protecting the environment and wildlife, and strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations to address the issues that cause wildlife and environmental destruction.

Tanzania Media Foundation - TMF Tanzania
Factor 3: Open Government

It works towards obtaining an independent, quality, and diverse media in Tanzania by promoting investigative and public interest journalism and facilitating critical reflection and learning. Through their funding and learning activities, they seek to support quality journalism that informs the public, contributes to debates, and thus increases public demand for greater accountability.

Tanzania Media Women's Association - TAMWA Tanzania
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

It is committed to advocating for women and children’s rights by conducting awareness raising activities to bring about cultural, policy and legal changes/transformation in the society through the use of media.

Tanzania Network of Legal Aid Providers - TANLAP Tanzania
Factor 8: Criminal Justice

It is a membership network comprising non-governmental organizations. It was founded in 2006, and its core aim is to work and link up with other civil society organizations that provide quality legal aid and advocate for access to justice among the poor and marginalized sections of society in Tanzania.

Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement - TOAM Tanzania
Factor 5: Order and Security
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement

It is an umbrella organization that coordinates and promotes the development of organic farming among distributors, consumers, and producers, through networking and the sharing of information. It has 115 members including various types of institutions and organizations, such as farmers associations and cooperatives, NGOs, organic operators, companies, distributors, researchers, and trainers.

Tanzania Private Sector Foundation Tanzania
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement

It promotes private sector-led social and economic development in Tanzania, as well as, effective engagement with the government of Tanzania and other stakeholders in matters of development policy and in the provision of services to its members.

Tanzania Water and Environmental Sanitation - TWESA Tanzania
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement

It strives to improve potable water supplies, sanitation and hygiene to refugees and local communities in Tanzania. TWESA's initiatives include constructing wells, rainwater harvesting tanks, water distribution from springs, and other water supply methods.

Tanzania Women Judges Association Tanzania
Factor 8: Criminal Justice

It is an association of women judges and magistrates representing all levels of the Tanzanian Judiciary. It works to sensitize the judiciary and law enforcement agencies to promote, and enforce human rights as well to combat violence against women, children, and other vulnerable persons. They hold training programs that are designed by The International Association of Women Judges.

Tanzania Women Lawyers Association - TAWLA Tanzania
Factor 8: Criminal Justice

Founded in 1989, it is an association dedicated to the advocacy of civil rights, social justice, transparency, integrity, respect, gender equity, good governance, and accountability. It raises awareness of legal rights through media campaigns, and trains paralegals to serve in their communities.

Tanzania Youth Coalition Tanzania
Factor 3: Open Government

It is a coalition of 120 youth non-governmental organizations, 249 youth enterprise groups, and hundreds of youth individuals countrywide. It builds capacity and raises awareness for young people on sustainable development, focusing on policy issues, information, lobbying, and advocacy.

Tanzania Youth Development and Concern Organization Tanzania
Factor 3: Open Government

Their mission is to keep young people employed and active through agriculture, entrepreneurship, and ICT to improve their living conditions and reducing costs related to social problems such as drug abuse, abortion, prostitution, and crime.

Tanzania Youth Vision Association Tanzania
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers

2019 World Justice Applicant - Project Title: Digital Advocacy Campaigns - Project Title: Youth Employment Initiative Dar es Salaam (YEID)
It is a youth led organization focusing on raising youth awareness and empowerment. It engages youths and advocates for policy changes in the areas of civic education and good governance with a focus on female and male empowerment in shaping the next constitution.

Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) India
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), was established in 1936 by Sir Dorabji Tata with the prime purpose of encouraging learning and research in the country, of meeting costs of relief during crises and calamities and of carrying out worthwhile charitable activities.

Tata Trusts India
Factor 3: Open Government

The Tata Trusts are amongst India's oldest, non-sectarian philanthropic organizations. Among its various contributions to Indian society, it also works to bring about data-driven governance. It works towards forging working relationships and partnerships with various central and state ministries, district and block governments and members of parliament.

Tax Justice Justicia Tributaria Colombia
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption

An initiative of academics, former state officials, and organizations, with the objective of analyzing the country's tax structure, monitoring the contributions that large national and foreign companies make to the economy, and demanding transparency in tax information. Their initiatives include Gender and Economic Justice and Transnational Companies Fair Tax.

Team29 ??????? 29 Russia
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 3: Open Government
Factor 7: Civil Justice

2019 World Justice Challenge Applicant - Project Title: Game app “Gebnya”
Works to defend people who have been accused of treason, disclosure of state secrets and espionage, along with the freedom of expression of publications through litigation, research and the publication of state documents.