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Organization Name Organization Name (Local Language) Country Factors Organization Description
Sierra Leone Association of Journalists - SLAJ Sierra Leone
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

Founded in 1971, it works to defend the freedom of the press, and the freedom of expression and the access to information in the country. It also promotes the labor rights of journalists, such as better working conditions, and strives for media professionalism.

Sierra Leone Labour Congress Sierra Leone
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

Founded in 1976, it is the national labor union that represents all workers in Sierra Leone. It defends and promotes labor rights and coordinates all activities pertaining to the labor social movement.

Sierra Leone Legal Information Institute - Sierra Lii Sierra Leone
Factor 3: Open Government

It provides free access to the countries laws and supports the rule of law and access to justice and transparency. Their membership is open to organizations and individuals.

Sierra Leone Mission and Development Inc. Sierra Leone/United States
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement

Founded in 2003, it supports the development of agriculture, education, and healthcare in Sierra Leone. Through life training centers they provide leadership skills for community members.

Sierra Leone Open Election Data Platform - SLOEDP Sierra Leone
Factor 3: Open Government

It is an open source software platform developed by LAM-TECH to facilitate access to historical and current information related with electoral violence. The initiative seeks to complement civil society efforts for transparent elections in Sierra Leone.

Siggil Jigeen Network Réseau Siggil Jigeen Senegal
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

Collective of Women's organizations working to promote the Rights of Women in Senegal, They work on various themes, from gender based violence to entrepreneurial projects.

SILENCE ?? Hong Kong S.A.R., China
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Factor 7: Civil Justice

It promotes a society free from barriers by offering comprehensive services to deaf and hard of hearing individuals. It provides employment counseling, job placement, job referral, and other services with follow up support. They have also developed a sign language curriculum and offer classes for governmental institutions, corporate enterprises, and other social organizations.

Sinar Project Malaysia
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption
Factor 3: Open Government

It is a civic initiative that uses open technology and applications to produce information accessible for the public. It aims to improve governance and encourages greater citizen participation in public affairs by making the Parliament and the Malaysian Government more open, transparent, and accountable.

Singapore After Care Association (SACA) Singapore
Factor 8: Criminal Justice

Works to rehabilitate offenders by providing assistance in finding employment, fighting stigmatisation and helping families.

Singapore Anti Death Penalty Campaign (SAPDC) Singapore
Factor 8: Criminal Justice

Advocates for abolishing the death penalty, through raising awareness with debates, conferences, film screenings and forums.

Singapore Anti Narcotics Association Singapore
Factor 5: Order and Security

Provides anti drug and rehabilitation programmes, along with raising awareness about the risks associated with drug consumption.

Singapore Children's Society Singapore
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

Works to protect the rights of children in Singapore through shelters, assistance and advocacy.

Singapore Council of Women's Organisations (SCWO) Singapore
Factor 3: Open Government
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

Works to promote the place of women in society and to coordinate and manage the actions of its member organisations.

Singapore Environment Council Singapore
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement

Works to engage business, government, citizens and NGOs on environmental issues, through partnerships, workshops, awards and advocacy.

Singapore Green Building Council Singapore
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement

Sets the standards for sustainability and environmentally conscious planning, and enjoys significant overreach on public private partnerships.

Sisma Women Corporation Corporación Sisma Mujer Colombia
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

A feminist organization established in 1998 that works with victims of gender based violence and discrimination in the private and public spheres. They have adopted a legal approach using an interdisciplinary perspective. They are based in Bogota but also have a delegation in Valencia, Spain.

Sisters in Islam - SIS Malaysia
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Factor 7: Civil Justice
Factor 8: Criminal Justice

It aims to build a progressive and democratic society that upholds freedom of expression, gender equality, and social justice. It offers legal advice services to women and men in accordance with the Islamic Family Law and the Syariah Criminal Offences Law.

SKY Women's World Network Sierra Leone
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 3: Open Government
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

Founded in 2005, it is a women’s network that campaigns against violations of women’s rights, as well as, issues related with democracy and development. They use the media, in particular radio broadcasting, to promote gender equity, governance, human rights, and to provide information and education to the public.

Slum Women's Initiative for Development Uganda
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement

Focuses on issues of land and housing and healthcare and gives a political, social, and economic voice to those living in slums

Smart Nation Singapore
Factor 3: Open Government

Government led initative to pool engagement opportunities with business, civil society and citizens on social involvement, data and open government in general.

Smile Foundation India
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

Smile Foundation actively works to empower underprivileged children, youth and women through relevant education, innovative healthcare and market-focused livelihood programmes. It also sensitizes privileged children, youth and citizens in general to promote Civic Driven Change.

Social Alternative Romania
Factor 8: Criminal Justice

Works to develop specialised youth courts, along with pushing for reform and transparency in the Romanian criminal justice system.

Social and Public Education Research Center - Alternativa Centro de Investigación Social y Educación Popular - Alternativa Peru
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers

Alternativa works to develop alternative modes of envisioning the public space. On themes such as environmental management, public participation and democracy, microfinance and local development and employment, it develops strategies to empower local communities to develop alternative models of management for the enjoyment of all citizens.

Social Association of Afghan Justice Seekers (SAAJS) ???? ??????? ????????? ????? Afghanistan
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

It is a social organization that works to document atrocities committed during the war and advocates that those reponsible should be brought to trial.

Social Contract Center ???? ????? ??????? Egypt
Factor 3: Open Government

Established pursuant to recommendations of Egyptian Human Development Report in 2005, the center aims to redefine the relationship among the government, civil society organizations, and citizens in order to given more active role to citizens.