Search our directory of leading organizations advancing the rule of law worldwide. New content will be added on a rolling basis. Interested in learning more? Read about our Resource Hub listings here.

Organization Name Organization Name (Local Language) Country Factors Organization Description
Office of the Ombudsman (OMB) Philippines Philippines
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption

The Ombudsman and his deputies are responsible for investigating charges of misconduct and/or corruption on the part of government officials and employees.

Office of the Ombudsman Malawi Malawi
Factor 7: Civil Justice
Factor 8: Criminal Justice

Receives complaints for the Malawi population that does not have access to courts or cannot pay legal fees. In reality, it has managed the majority of civil cases in Malawi.

Office of the Ombudsman Panama Defensoría del Pueblo Panama
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers

Its mission is to protect the human rights of all Panamanians. It investigates and denounces acts or omissions, from public servants, individuals, or companies that provide a public service, that constitute human rights violations.

Ombudsman NSW Australia
Factor 3: Open Government

Monitors agencies delivering public services, services to children, and community services to imporve the conduct of those agencies.

One America United States
Factor 3: Open Government

Educates, trains and advocates for immigrant integration into democracy through increased participation and advocacy.

One Family People Sierra Leone
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

It works to create an inclusive society for individuals with disabilities, implementing programs to improve their health, quality of lives, and well-being, in collaboration with their families and communities.

ONG 3D ONG 3D Senegal
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement

Works to reinforce parliamentary mechanisms and promote the role of CSOs in the legislative process.

Online RTI India
Factor 3: Open Government

Online RTI allows one to file RTI in any government or public department, by filling up the details online..

Oogachaga Singapore
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

Works to defend LGTBIQ rights in Singapore through advocacy and personal assistance.

Open Alliance Nigeria Nigeria
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption
Factor 3: Open Government

It is comprised of a group of organizations seeking to promote good governance, transparency, and openness. They seek the public availability of government budget and financial records, and the achievement of an inclusive development and efficient service delivery.

Open Democracy Démocratie Ouverte France
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 3: Open Government

Works to develop platforms for access to government information, practices, and control of the democratic process by citizens.

Open Democracy Advice Centre South Africa
Factor 3: Open Government

Works to provide access to information to citizens through digital platforms.

Open Forum for Democracy Foundation - PNET ‡?°‡??‡?•‡?ô‡?¥‡?ò‡?¥‡??‡?á‡?ч?å‡?Ň?£‡?Ň?•‡??‡?á‡?ć?û‡??‡?à‡??‡?õ‡?£‡??‡?ä‡??‡?ò‡?¥‡?õ‡?ч?ï‡?¢ Thailand
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement

The Open Forum for Democracy Foundation is focused on strengthening local networking in Thailand on democracy and electoral processes. It is also one of the founders of the regional electoral observation network the Asian Network for Free Elections (ANFREL).

Open Government Foundation Fundación Gobierno Abierto Bolivia
Factor 3: Open Government

The Open Government Foundation promotes the principles of transparency, participation, collaboration, and technological innovation. It promotes consultative and inclusive processes to stimulate citizen actions and local governance through the production of strategies and scenarios that foster transparency.

Open Government Partnership Panama Alianza para Gobierno Abierto Panama Panama
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers

It is a multilateral initiative that promotes transparency and governance. It is comprised of civil society organizations that monitor the performance of the government in the fulfillment of the Second Action Plan.

Open Knowledge Conocimiento Abierto Argentina
Factor 3: Open Government

Works to provide open platforms for access to information for citizens around political and electoral issues.

Open Myanmar Initiative ????????????????????????? Myanmar
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 3: Open Government
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Factor 5: Order and Security

Formed by former political prisoners and members of the 88 Generation Students Group, its mission is to defend democracy and the rights to information, education, and knowledge. Their initiatives include monitoring of Parliament and providing local governance training for representatives of ethnic states and divisions within Myanmar.

Open Parliament Canada
Factor 7: Civil Justice
Factor 8: Criminal Justice

It is an initiative that promotes open data and accountability through the online publication of Parliamentary proceedings, such as debates, committees, members, and bills.

Open Republic – Association against Anti-Semitism and Xenophobia Otwarta Rzeczpospolita - Stowarzyszenie przeciw Antysemityzmowi i Ksenofobii Poland
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Factor 5: Order and Security
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement

Established in 1999 to counteract xenophobic and anti-Semitic prejudice reappearing in Polish public life, it promotes tolerance, openness, and respect for persons and groups of different ethnic, national, religious, cultural, or social identification, as well as combating any forms of racism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia, and other attitudes harmful to human dignity.

Open Society Foundations (OSF) International

Foundation working to build vibrant and tolerant societies whose governments are accountable and open to the participation of all people.

OPORA ????? Ukraine
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers

The network works to catalyze citizen action to push for legal and political reform, participation in the democratic process, and the defense of the rule of law in Ukraine.

Opportunity Agenda United States
Factor 3: Open Government

Creates messages, narratives and avenues of advocacy for artists and social justice activists for empowerment and change in policy.

Organization for Defending Victims of Violence (ODVV) ?????? ???? ?? ???????? ????? Iran
Factor 5: Order and Security

Defending victims of violence, terrorism and extremism through publications and psychological counselling.

Organization for Peace, Reconciliation and Development Sierra Leone - OPARD SL Sierra Leone
Factor 5: Order and Security

Their work focuses on peace building, food security, access to education, and capacity building through the engagement of women and children directly affected by the civil conflict. They previously mediated for the disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration of ex-combatants.

Organization of Promoting Afghan Women’s Capabilities (OPAWC) Afghanistan
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

OPAWC works to improve women's literacy, practical wage earning skills and health in order to in order to promote their human rights.