Organization Name | Organization Name (Local Language) | Country | Factors | Organization Description |
National Anti-Corruption System | Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción (SNA) | Mexico |
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption
Government Commission set up to promote citizen initiatives in combatting corruption in Mexico, principally through legal reform and accountability mechanisms. |
National Anticorruption Council (ANC) | Consejo Nacional Anticorrupcion (ANC) | Honduras |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Factor 7: Civil Justice
Factor 8: Criminal Justice
Civil society coalition helping the government in the fight against corruption and taking lead or managing its own investigations and advocacy. |
National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux (ANBCC) | Romania |
Factor 3: Open Government
Network of Advice Bureaux for citizens to have access to information and offers assistance services for people to understand their rights. |
National Association of Community Legal Centres | Australia |
Factor 8: Criminal Justice
A network for community legal centres which aims to advocate for and protect the rights of marginalized groups in Australia. |
National Association of Journalists | Colegio Nacional de Periodistas - CONAPE Panamá | Panama |
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement
The association encourages professionalism, labor rights, and legal regulations for careers in communication and journalism in Panama. |
National Association of Professional Environmentalists (NAPE) | Uganda |
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Finds solutions to Uganda's environmental problems through government monitoring, research, policy reform, and community organization |
National Association of Research, Social Promotion and Development Centers (ANC) | Asociación Nacional de Centros de Investigación, Promoción Social y Desarrollo ANC | Peru |
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 3: Open Government
The ANC is the largest coalition of Centers in Peru, and works to strengthen the leadership of Centers and NGOs through training, capacitation, public debate and participation in the legislative process, all while being committed to defending human rights and local communities. |
National Association of the Press | Asociación Nacional de la Prensa - ANP | Bolivia |
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 3: Open Government
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
ANP was founded to defend freedom of expression and the press, advance the rights of access to information, and promote honest and reliable journalism. |
National Association of Women Organizations in Uganda (NAWOU) | Uganda |
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement
A coalition of community based women's organizations in Uganda that aim to equalize the social, economic, and political rights of women |
National Audit Office | Malawi |
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption
Government agency tasked with fighting corruption in Malawi. The NAO was at the forefront of the revelations surrounding the Cashgate scandal. |
National Authority of Transparency and Access to Information of the Republic of Panama | Autoridad Nacional de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información de la República de Panamá - ANTAI | Panama |
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption
ANTAI promotes policies of transparency and public access to information as a key component to prevent corruption and achieve a model of accountability that encourages citizenry participation. |
National Autonomous Electoral Commission (CENA) | Commission Electorale Nationale Autonome (CENA) | Senegal |
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption
Works to supervise the electoral process, ensuring a fair process along with promoting electoral participation. |
National Body for the Protection of Personal Data | Instance Nationale de Protection des Données Personelles | Tunisia |
Factor 5: Order and Security
Government body in charge of protecting citizens' personal data and to promote government policy on protection in data sharing. |
National Bureau of Enforcement | ?????????? ???????? ?????? | Georgia |
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement
Regulates the enforcement of European standards in all areas of public policy, from health to justice. Based off the bailiff system for court ordinances. |
National Center for Access to Justice | United States |
Factor 7: Civil Justice
Factor 8: Criminal Justice
Works to produce research on the civil and 8. Criminal Justice system of the United States, and evaluates performance of state systems through its Justice Index. |
National Center for Access to Justice at Fordham Law School | United States |
Factor 7: Civil Justice
Factor 8: Criminal Justice
Works to produce research on the civil (7) and criminal (8) justice system of the United States, evaluates performance of state justice systems through its Justice Index, supports justice system research and reform in the US and in other countries. |
National Center for Social Communication | Centro Nacional de Comunicación Social (CENCOS) | Mexico |
Factor 7: Civil Justice
With 50 years of presence in Mexico, CENCOS is a leading organization in matters of social justice and human rights. It is a platform for civil society practicians to exchange ideas and promote projects, from society for society. |
National Center for the Help of Indigenous People (CENAMI) | Centro Nacional de Ayuda a las Misiones Indígenas (CENAMI) | Mexico |
Factor 7: Civil Justice
Works to defend and raise awareness about the rights of indigenous people in Mexico to land, decision making, social and cultural rights. |
National Centre for Dispute Resolution (NCDR) | Pakistan |
Factor 7: Civil Justice
NCDR follows international standards rules and code of ethics governing mediation proceedings and is Pakistan's first and only mediation centre. It undertakes disputes of various nature including family disputes, landlord and tenant disputes, contractual disputes, labour disputes etc. |
National Centre for the Treatment of Financial Information (CENTIF) | Cellule Nationale de Traitement des Informations Financières du Sénégal (CENTIF) | Senegal |
Factor 8: Criminal Justice
Government Agency in charge of monitoring and reviewing financial transfers that are suspected of being illicit. |
National Citizen Observatory | Observatorio Nacional Ciudadano | Mexico |
Factor 5: Order and Security
The observatory seeks to inform citizens about matters relating to security and justice, to encourage citizens' actions in making the government accountable. It manages a network of local observatories which gives it a national presence and reach. |
National Citizen Observatory of Feminicides | Observatorio Ciudadano Nacional del Feminicidio | Mexico |
Factor 5: Order and Security
Citizen group that monitors, collects information on and informs about cases of feminicides or gender discrimination. |
National Citizens' Movement for Free Election | Philippines |
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
The National Citizens' Movement for Free Elections or NAMFREL is an election watchdog in the Philippines. It was the first and one of the most famous election watch campaign. |
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) | United States |
Factor 5: Order and Security
Works to help women who have been victims of domestic violence, through surgery programs, financial assistance, community projects, and public policy advocacy. |
National Coalition of Social Action Institutions | Union Nacional de Instituciones para el Trabajo de Accion Social - UNITAS Bolivia | Bolivia |
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement