Organization Name | Organization Name (Local Language) | Country | Factors | Organization Description |
Ministry of Counter Narcotics | ??????? ????? ?????? ???? ???? ???? | Afghanistan |
Factor 5: Order and Security
Government ministry mandated to fight corruption through leading counter narcotics policy and formulation and monitoring the implementation of the National Drug Control Strategy. |
Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development | Uganda |
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement
Promotes social protection, gender equality, and labour productivity through policy implementation |
Ministry of Health | Ministerio de Salud | Nicaragua |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
The Ministry of Health plays a critical role in Nicaragua in delivering access to health information and services for pregnant women, persons suffering from HIV/AIDS and the general public. |
Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) | Nepal |
Factor 5: Order and Security
MoHA is mainly responsible for delivering critical services to the citizens and maintain security in the nation. These functions are carried out by various offices in the region, districts, departments etc. |
Ministry of Information and Communication (MoIC) | Nepal |
Factor 3: Open Government
MoIC is a Ministry which emphasizes the dissemination of information and communication technology with the objective of developing and expanding the information and communication sector down to the rural level in active collaboration with the private sector. |
Ministry of Justice Brazil | Ministério da Justiça | Brazil |
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption
The Ministry of Justice has been leading the new National Strategy to Combat Corruption and Money Laundering (ENCCLA) which has been lauded as a real strategy to address longstanding issues of corruption and malpractice with Brazilian public officials and agencies. |
Ministry of Justice Georgia | Georgia |
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption
Developed an Anti Corruption Council which works to develop anti corruption legislation, monitor and investigate corruption allegations and cases. |
Ministry of Women's Affairs | ? ??? ???? ????? | Afghanistan |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
MOWA is a government ministry that was established in 2001. It advocates and defends women's rights through collaborates with other government ministries to inform their policies on gender issues. It also works closely with NGOs that promote women's rights. |
Mises Institute | United States |
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Libertarian research Institute working on public policy and debate to inform society from the point of view of the Austrian economics movement. |
Mission for Migrant Workers - MFMW | ?????? | Hong Kong S.A.R., China |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Factor 7: Civil Justice
Factor 8: Criminal Justice
MFMW supports efforts for the recognition and respect of the rights and well-being of migrant workers. Their Labour and Employment Assistance Program provides paralegal assistance and legal support for migrant workers. It also provides education, psychosocial counseling, hospital and prison visitation, and temporary shelter to distressed women migrants. |
Mizan | ????? | Jordan |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Promotes respect for human rights through legal advocacy, legal reform, and trainings of legal practitioners. |
Mobilizing for Rights Associates | ????? | Morocco |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Collaborates with local women’s rights activists and associations to contribute to changes in laws, structures, relationships and cultural norms to promote women's rights. |
Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum Global Initiatives | ??????? ???? ?? ???? ?? ????? ???????? | United Arab Emirates |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Works with strategic partners around the world to develop and implement humanitarian programming in the health, education, poverty, and innovation sectors. |
Monde Rural Association | Associacion Monde Rural | Burkina Faso |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
AMR aims to promote human rights and local governance by promoting the human rights of rural people. |
Moroccan Association of Women Judges | ??????? ???????? ?????? ???????? | Morocco |
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Works to enhance inclusion, solidarity and cooperation amongst Moroccan women judges, ensuring a meaningful representation of women judges in decision-making positions in Morocco. |
Moroccan Center for Strategic Studies | ?????? ??????? ???????????? | Morocco |
Factor 5: Order and Security
Produces studies, analyses, and recommendations on issues of international and strategic importance, with a focus on security. |
Moroccan Institute for International Relations | ?????? ??????? ???????? ??????? | Morocco |
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement
Conducts research, convenese seminars, and produces policy recommendations that contribute to robust public discourse about issues facing Morocco. It's principal areas of research are economic policy, environmental law and governance, international relations and security, law, regulation and the state, and development. |
Moscow Center for Prison Reform | ????? ?????????? ??????? ?????????? ?????????? | Russia |
Factor 8: Criminal Justice
Works to introduce international standards into the treatment of prisoners and administration of prisons to prevent torture and other violation of human rights, and organise education, training and public policy to improve the condition of prisoners and their rehabilitation into society. |
Moscow Helsinki Group | ?????????? ???????????? ?????? | Russia |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Works to foster and support civil society in Russia through workshops, training and technical assistance for the development and strengthening of Human Rights in accordance with the international standards |
Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo | Madres de la Plaza de Mayo | Argentina |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Traditionally an association of mothers of dissapeared persons during the dictatorship, they know worked on upholding human rights and redressing justice in Argentina. They demonstrate every Thursday in front of the Presidential Palace. |
Movement Against Conflict (MAC) | Bangladesh |
Factor 5: Order and Security
Works to develop conflict resolution and peaceful modes of redress, while advocating for the installation of these mechanisms at the national level through policy changes. |
Movement Against Light Firearms in West Africa (MALAO) | Mouvement contre les Armes Légères en Afrique de l'Ouest (MALAO) | Senegal |
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement
Works to fight against the proliferation of illegal arms by enforcing the ECOWAS Moratarium on Light Firearms and the UN Arms Trade Treaty. |
Movement for Nicaragua (MPN) | Movimiento por Nicaragua (MPN) | Nicaragua |
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption
Factor 3: Open Government
MPN works to strengthen local communities and organize actions for democracy and citizen participation, in order to uphold the rule of law in Nicaragua. It also develops monitoring processes for the electoral process and transparency. |
Movement for Protecting Voter Rights "Golos" | ????? - ?? ??????? ?????? | Russia |
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement
To protect voter rights and enforce election oversight and monitoring, and democratic transition according to the rule of law. It works regionally after having been shut down, informing and organizing citizens. |
Msichana Initiative | Tanzania |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
It advocates for girls educational rights in Tanzania. It seeks to ensure that this inherent right is given to all human beings without due regard to gender, discrimination, economic conditions, cultural, social, and political justification. |