Organization Name | Organization Name (Local Language) | Country | Factors | Organization Description |
Harakat (Afghanistan Investment Climate Facility Organization) | Afghanistan |
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement
Removing and reducing regulatory and institutional barriers to doing business through providing grant funds to government, private sector and civil society, in order to increase or create opportunities for investment in Afghanistan. |
Hatshepsut | ??????? | Egypt |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Hatshepsut is a human rights and development organization that supports the inclusion of marginalized groups especially women through consolidating the values of equal citizenship, democracy and principles of human rights in Egypt after the 25th of January Revolution. |
Háttér Society | Háttér Társaság | Hungary |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Founded in 1995, it is the oldest LGBTQI organization in Hungary. It raises awareness about the problems faced by LGBTQI people such as discrimination, provides support and legal services, and advocates for laws that promotes the health and well-being of LGBTQI individuals. |
Health Forum for Sexual and Reproductive Rights | Foro Salud de Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos | Chile |
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement
Works to enforce gender equality in access to health, and to implement international standards in the provision and protection of sexual and reproductive rights. |
Health In Action | ???? | Hong Kong S.A.R., China |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement
Founded in 2011, Health In Action works to eliminate health inequities and to empower underprivileged populations by enhancing their health literacy and health ownership. It also advocates for humanitarianism and the right-to-health through community-based initiatives. |
Health Reform Foundation of Nigeria - HERFON | Nigeria |
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement
They support health reform in Nigeria through the strengthening of the capacity of stakeholders, the formation of partnerships with other stakeholders, and supporting evidence generation to inform policy decisions and health planning. |
Health: Dialogue, Creativity, Practice - HDCP Ltd. | Sierra Leone |
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement
It mobilizes communities for improved health and wellness services through community health research, the dissemination of results, and collaborative program design. They work utilizing an interdisciplinary approach that considers the social and economic dimensions of health. Ebola Survivor Corps is their main initiative in Sierra Leone. |
HealthPartners | PartenaireSanté | Canada |
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement
It is a network comprised of health charities that provide assistance to Canadians affected by chronic disease or major illnesses. Their fundraising campaigns have given organizations of all sizes the tools and information they need to build more engaged and healthier workplaces. |
Helen Suzman Foundation | International |
Factor 3: Open Government
Promoting liberal constitutional democracy through broadening public debate and research. |
Hello Sarkar | Nepal |
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption
A national hotline under the Prime Minister's Office to redress all sorts of grievances, including corruption and irregularity. |
Help for Domestic Workers - HELP | ????? | Hong Kong S.A.R., China |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement
Factor 7: Civil Justice
Factor 8: Criminal Justice
HELP works to empower foreign domestic workers in Hong Kong through legal assistance, education, and advocacy. It promotes access to justice, and fair and equal treatment before the law as well as providing free legal advice and paralegal support on employment, immigration, and human rights issues. |
HelpAge India | India |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
HelpAge India works for the cause and care of disadvantaged older persons and to improve their quality of life. It also works as an active pressure group focusing on Rights of the elderly such as the right to adequate Health Insurance, Right to Universal Pension and working towards providing elders a society with age appropriate services. |
Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights | Helsi?ska Fundacja Praw Cz?owieka | Poland |
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Factor 7: Civil Justice
Factor 8: Criminal Justice
Founded in 1989 to promote the development of a culture based on the respect of freedom and human rights in Poland and abroad, it monitors legislative processes and provides free legal assistance to Polish citizens, refugees, and members of national minorities. |
Her Fund | ?????? | Hong Kong S.A.R., China |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Her Fund aims to achieve a society that guarantees human rights for all without discrimination on any grounds. It promotes gender equality, mobilizes resources, and invests in projects and initiatives that empower underprivileged women and girls. |
Hera XXI | ???? XXI | Georgia |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Provides information, assistance and products around sexual and reproductive rights through Planned Parenthood programs, along with providing assistance to HIV/AIDS patients and developing awareness campaigns about both issues. |
Heritage Foundation | United States |
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 5: Order and Security
Formulates and promotes conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense. |
High Committee for Human Rights and Fundamental Liberties | Comité Supérieur des Droits de l'Homme et des Libertés Fondamentales | Tunisia |
Factor 7: Civil Justice
Factor 8: Criminal Justice
Indendent government commission set up to defend citizen rights, receive complaints, investigate abuses and defend citizens. |
High Level Commission on Anti Corruption (CAN) | Comisión de Alto Nivel Anticorrupción (CAN) | Peru |
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption
The CAN is the organism responsible for laying out policies, coordinating implementation and monitoring cases and allegations in Peru. Through a coalition of government, business and civil society organizations it aims to reduce and eradicate corruption in the country. |
High Office of Oversight & Anti-corruption | ????? ???? ?????? ???? ???? ????? | Afghanistan |
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption
The High Office of Oversight and Anti-corruption (HOOAC) is the highest office for the coordination and monitoring of the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy and for the implementation of administrative procedural reform in the country. |
Himal Innovative Development and Research Pvt. Ltd. (HIDR) | Nepal |
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement
Himal Innovative Development and Research Pvt. Ltd. (HIDR) is a company established by experienced, capable and energetic professional in the field of management and rights based development, especially targeting women, children, and overall marginalized people/communities in Nepal. |
Hintalovon Child Rights Foundation | Hintalovon Gyermekjogi Alapítvány | Hungary |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Factor 7: Civil Justice
It promotes the full realization of children’s rights in Hungary by offering appropriate information and support. Child participation is a major principle and practice at the Foundation, where children aged 14-18 contribute with their opinions and support all activities. |
Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Public Administration | H?c vi?n Hành chính Qu?c gia | Vietnam |
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
National University providing undergraduate and postgraduate courses, along with training courses for public officials. |
Homosexual Movement of Integration and Liberation (Movilh) | Movimiento de Integración y Liberación Homosexual | Chile |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Works to defend the rights of LGBTI groups through the action of volunteers to change how LGBTI rights are considered and bring public policy into action on these issues. |
Honduran Association for the Protection of Animals and their Environment (AHPRA) | Asociacion Hondurena Protectora de los Animales y su Ambiente (AHPRA) | Honduras |
Factor 5: Order and Security
Factor 8: Criminal Justice
Strives to protect animals and their environment against climate change and environmental degradation. |
Honduran Institute for Children and Families (INHFA) | Instituto Hondureno de la Ninez y de la Familia (INHFA) | Honduras |
Factor 7: Civil Justice
Set up a program to socially reintegrate children who are in conflict with the law and violence reduction programs with families. |