Search our directory of leading organizations advancing the rule of law worldwide. New content will be added on a rolling basis. Interested in learning more? Read about our Resource Hub listings here.

Organization Name Organization Name (Local Language) Country Factors Organization Description
Integrity Section - Supreme Court of Justice El Salvador
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption

Works to investigate and prosecute cases of misconduct, missapropriation of funds and corruption by government officials

Lawyers for Human Rights South Africa
Factor 7: Civil Justice
Factor 8: Criminal Justice

Works to provide legal assistance in cases of human rights abuses, through strategic litigation and to protect the rights of detainees.

The Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process or OPAPP Philippines
Factor 5: Order and Security

The Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process or OPAPP is the office mandated to oversee, coordinate, and integrate the implementation of the comprehensive peace process.

Civil Council on Defense and Security Georgia
Factor 5: Order and Security
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement

Works to combine NGO, community and government initiatives on the issues of defence and security, along with monitoring government policy on the issue.

ARTE - Art and Resistance Through Education United States
Factor 3: Open Government

Works to promote youth involvement in the promotion of human rights and social change through art projects for advocacy.

Southern Poverty Law Center United States
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Factor 7: Civil Justice

Seeks to combat hate and discrimination through strategic litigation for minority rights and defending civil rights, along with ending mass incarceration.

Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers

The highest court in the Philippines. It is presided over by a Chief Justice and is composed of fifteen Justices. The Supreme Court has "administrative supervision over all courts and the personnel thereof.".

Lawyers Collective India
Factor 5: Order and Security

Lawyers Collective was created with the specific aim of providing legal services to the community and hlping people who had been affected by institutional backlog. It took up cases of pavement dwellers and slum dwellers, hawkers and women in distress.

African Centre for Media Excellance Uganda
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 3: Open Government

Offers training and education to make news media a more credible source of information and to promote the freedom of press and expression

Uganda National Association of Community and Occupational Health Uganda
Factor 7: Civil Justice

Links health professionals with individuals and other organizations to improve health care and influence healthy policies

Legal Resource Centre - LRC Ghana Ghana
Factor 7: Civil Justice
Factor 8: Criminal Justice

It ensures social progress and development through the application of law, justice, and good governance. It works towards the promotion and protection of the rights to health, education, democratic participation, personal liberty, and criminal and civil justice.

Fair Elections, Open Parliament and Good Governance Pakistan
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement

The Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN) was established in 2006 as a coalition of 30 non-governmental organizations to observe the general elections and mobilize voters.

Philippine Public Transparency Reporting Project  Philippines
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption

Philippine Public Transparency Reporting Project works alongside and through existing and new media to help improve society's ability to monitor, mobilize and demand greater public transparency and accountability from the State.

Association of Private Health Facilities in Tanzania - APHFTA Tanzania
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement

It was founded in 1994, and it serves as a public forum for the private healthcare sector, providing a comprehensive array of advocacy, knowledge-sharing, and networking products and services. It has member facilities all over Tanzania (hospitals, health centers, dispensaries, clinics, laboratories, etc.).

Kathmandu School of Law (KSL) Nepal
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

KSL is dedicated to maintain high standards of academic excellence. Its prime objective is to address the need of an academically sound and practically feasible legal education in Nepal.

Development and Support of Afghan Women and Children Organization (DSAWCO) Afghanistan
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

DSAWCO works to raise legal awareness, provide job opportunities and educate women and children.

Dispute Resolution Foundation Jamaica
Factor 7: Civil Justice

Works to develop ADR mechanisms in Jamaica, provide mediation in conflict situations, and train lawyers on ADR mechanisms.

Management Association of the Philippines (MAP) Philippines
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers

MAP represents a cross-section of CEOs, COOs and other top management practitioners from the largest local and multinational companies operating in the Philippines. It works with its members and partners with other business organizations, the government and civil society in conducting programs that promote good governance, global competitiveness and sustainable development.

Malaysian Centre for Constitutionalism and Human Rights (MCCHR) Malaysia
Factor 3: Open Government
Factor 7: Civil Justice

It provides a comprehensive approach towards the protection and promotion of human rights in Malaysia. It offers strategic litigation training workshops to law students, pupils-in-chamber, and lawyers. Other initiatives include the UndiMsia chats and a reference library and resource center.

Construction Sector Transparency Initiative - CoST Ethiopia Ethiopia
Factor 2: Absence of Corruption

The Initiative seeks to improve transparency and accountability in publicly financed construction projects through the public disclosure of information. CoST is managed by a multi-stakeholder coalition that represents the interests of the government, the private sector, and the civil society.

Space for Giants Kenya
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights

Their work is focused on building and sustaining forces on the ground and the judicial capacity, both of which are needed to provide a significant and lasting deterrent against poaching. They work in Kenya, Gabon, Uganda, and Botswana, using science and best-practices to develop and deliver anti-poaching initiatives, secure protected lands for elephants, and provide conservation training and education.

Conscience International The Gambia
Factor 5: Order and Security

Founded in 2003, and formerly known as People Against Injustice. It is an independent organization that promotes a strong democratic culture based on human rights as a pillar to sustainable development. Based in the Gambia, Conscience International also works in Sierra Leone and Liberia.

Prisoners’ Rehabilitation and Welfare Action (PRAWA) Nigeria
Factor 8: Criminal Justice

Founded in 1994, it promotes security, justice, and development in Africa. Their major program components include Security and Justice Sector Reform and Rehabilitation, and Social Development, among others.

Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) India
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers

The Central Vigilance Commission was created in 1964 to address governmental corruption. CVC has the status of an autonomous body, free of control from any executive authority, charged with monitoring all vigilance activity under the Central Government of India.

Kids In Need of Defense (KIND) United States
Factor 7: Civil Justice

Pro bono lawyers trained to defend unnacompanied minors who have suffered trafficking, abuse or abandonment.