Vino Lucero is a journalist and freedom of information (FOI) advocate from the Philippines. They are a member of the first ever cohort of Young Justice Leaders, a group of young leaders that have come together to facilitate collaboration, build networks, and contribute to the global policy dialogue around justice for all, demonstrating that people-centered justice is possible and necessary. Vino is the Digital Rights and Communications Manager of EngageMedia, an Asia-Pacific non-profit advocating for digital rights, open and secure technology, and video for change. They are a contributing author for the book “Data Justice and COVID-19: Global Perspectives” published by Meatspace Press in London, UK in 2020. They are a fellow for the 2021 GIF-Article 19 Internet of Rights Fellowship and the national researcher for the Philippines for the 2020-2021 Global Data Barometer. Vino is a member of the governance circle of Innovation for Change - East Asia, a nonprofit organization supporting civil society initiatives in Southeast and Northeast Asia to defend, expand, and create civic spaces in the region. They are serving as part of the board from January 2022 to December 2023.
Vino Lucero will participate in the World Justice Forum working session Intergenerational Dialogue on People-Centered Justice