Vanessa is originally from Caracas, Venezuela and has enjoyed living and working in France, Germany, Mexico, Peru, and the United States. She received her Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in International Business at Georgia State University’s Robison College of Business. Under Mayor Keisha Lance Bottom’s administration, Vanessa was appointed as the new Director of the International Affairs Office. As Director, Vanessa advises the mayor, cabinet members, the airport, and city council on international matters. In her role, she oversees the city’s international strategy to position Atlanta globally in the areas of trade, education, diplomacy, sports, global connectivity, and events attraction. She works closely with the members of the Diplomatic Corps, educational institutions, the airport, sister cities, the business sector, economic development partners, and government institutions based in Atlanta and abroad. Under her leadership, the city has strengthened ties with international cities and attracted international events. Vanessa has advised European companies interested in establishing their businesses in the United States and led trade missions across the United States and most recently she received the French National Order of Merit with the rank of Knight from the President of France, Emmanuel Macron.
Vanessa Ibarra will participate in the World Justice Forum working session Inform Women, Transform Lives: Cities Increasing Equitable Access to Municipal Services