A passionate believer in law as a tool for empowering people and bringing about social change, Swati Mehta has worked on rule of law and access to justice issues for over 19 years. Starting her career by providing legal aid for women, she soon moved on to systemic reform. More recently, her work has focused on legal empowerment as well as decentralization and democratization of justice, with people at the center of justice programming. Working with several CSOs, UNDP and other justice programs in South and Southeast Asia, Swati has provided technical advice and/or strengthened capacities of police organizations, prison officials, lawyers, legal aid institutions, judiciary, law schools and CSOs in taking a people-centered and learning approach to justice. She has written/edited/reviewed several papers on legal empowerment, policing, legal aid and traditional, customary and informal justice systems. Swati is a Chevening Scholar and holds an LLM in International Criminal Law, Criminology and Criminal Justice from King’s College London. She loves to engage with young people, artists and musicians on justice. She excels at building strong and productive cross-cultural teams.
Swati Mehta will participate in the World Justice Forum working session Launch of the Ibero-American Alliance for Access to Justice and The Role of People-Centered Justice in Delivering Equality and Inclusion