Ram Hari Gaihre is a Senior Statistician at the Central Bureau of Statistics in Nepal. He started his career as a government statistician in 1996. He has had experience in designing household surveys and analyzing data for more than two decades. He worked as a resource person at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand (2007-2009) for capacity building training on poverty mapping (SAE) for statisticians at ASEAN NSOs. He worked as a survey design expert at the UNESCO office in Kabul, Afghanistan (2015). He led the identification of poor households in Nepal using proxy means testing (PMT). He was involved in poverty measurements in Nepal using both monetary, Cost of Basic Needs (CBN), and non-monetary, Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), methodology. He has done research on poverty measurements and Small Area Estimation. He masters training in large-scale data analysis. He holds an M.Sc. in Statistics from Tribhuvan University, Nepal (1993) and an M.A. in Economics from the University of Tsukuba, Japan (2013).
Ram Hari Gaihre will participate in the World Justice Forum working session Community-Driven Data as a Tool to Foster Equal Rights and Non-Discrimination