Pratima Gurung is an academic activist and an indigenous woman with a disability from Nepal. She is a champion of intersectionality in the disability rights movement, including women's, indigenous, and minority rights perspectives in her disability and development work. Pratima’s work has been instrumental in bridging multiple marginalized identities and initiating cross-movement collaboration in raising the voiceless voices of young indigenous peoples/women with disabilities from Nepal, Asia, and globally since 2011. She is also a faculty member at Padmakanya College, one of the only women’s colleges in Nepal. She is engaged in research and links her academic research to advocacy, including on the impact of climate change on indigenous peoples with disabilities. She also contributes as an expert on the Disability National Direction Committee under the Ministry of Women, Children, and Senior Citizens of the Government of Nepal. Ms. Gurung is a founding member and currently General Secretary of Indigenous Person with Disabilities Global Network (IPWDGN) and National Indigenous Disabled Women Association Nepal (NIDWAN).
Pratima Gurung will participate in the World Justice Forum working session Intersectional Discrimination in a Post-Covid World: Violations, Solutions, and Actions