Nikole Nelson is the Executive Director of Alaska Legal Services Corporation (ALSC), Alaska’s only statewide provider of free civil legal assistance to low-income Alaskans. Nikole oversees ALSC’s 12 offices and 6 Medical-Legal Partnership locations and a 60+ member staff that are scattered across the vast and remote State of Alaska. Nikole joined ALSC in 1998 as a staff attorney shortly after graduating from Willamette University College of Law and became ALSC’s Executive Director in 2010. Nikole’s legal career has focused on systemic advocacy to improve access to justice for low-income and marginalized Alaskans. She is a member of the Alaska Supreme Court Advisory Committee on Access to Civil Justice, the Alaska Bar Association’s Pro Bono Services Committee and the American Bar Association Standing Committee on Civil Legal Aid and Indigent Defense. ALSC’s unique Medical- Legal Partnership model that serves remote indigenous communities was recognized as one of the five most promising practices worldwide for increasing access to justice at the 2019 World Justice Forum.
Nikole Nelson will participate in the World Justice Forum working session Pathways to Justice: Effective Tools for Localized Community Solutions and the World Justice Challenge Award Ceremony and Closing Plenary