Mamadou Bandiougou Diawara joined the judiciary in 1997 and has risen through the ranks. It is in northern Mali, in Gao, that the young magistrate takes his first steps as a deputy public prosecutor at the Court of First Instance of Gao. After three years, he moved into the inner Delta of River Niger, at Ténenkou; where, the young magistrate demonstrated his value driven and people centered approaches to justice. Later, he served as General Counsel at Mopti’s Court of Appeal, where he experienced the Cadre de Concertation (CdC), as President. In this capacity, he represented, convened, and chaired meetings, coordinated activities, while ensuring public relations. He had the privilege to present the CdC reports to the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights. Since 2018, he is a resource person for the inter CdC Conference, as well as certified trainer for the IDLO training approach. In addition to his experience on the criminal chain, Mr. Diawara was also prosecutor at the Economic and Financial Specialized Court of Bamako, capital city of Mali. Wherever he goes, the new Head of the Prosecutor's Office of Commune IV is appreciated for his competence, his modesty, and his simplicity.
Mamadou Bandiougou Diawara will participate in the World Justice Forum working session People-Centered Innovations in Community Justice