Maaike de Langen is Program Lead on Justice for All, a program of the Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies at NYU’s Centre for International Cooperation. The program builds on the Justice for All report, published by the Task Force on Justice, which sets out an agenda for action for the achievement of SDG16’s promise of access to justice for all. Maaike started her career with the Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance, and Development (Leiden University). She then worked for UNDP in N’Djamena, Chad and at HQ in New York, working on governance, human rights, access to justice and legal empowerment of the poor. She was first advisor to the National ombudsman of the Netherlands for eight years, creating and leading the Department for Strategy and Policy. In 2014, she returned to Mali for a year, to design the Dutch bilateral program on Security and Rule of Law.
Maaike de Langen will participate in the World Justice Forum working session Ombuds Institutions’ Role in Contributing to Access to Justice and SDG 16