Karen S. Gomez Dumpit has served in the Philippine Government for the past 32 years. She just ended her 7-year term at the Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines. She has led various human rights advocacies during her 28 years on the Commission and implemented programs on monitoring government compliance with human rights treaty obligations; harmonizing domestic laws in accordance with standards and principles set by core international human rights instruments; monitoring of Philippine Jurisprudence that affirm human rights treaties; and advising the executive and other relevant state branches and mechanisms on its implementation of obligations to respect, protect, and fulfill human rights. Her programmatic innovations in human rights advocacy include the Human Rights – Based Approach to Legislation and groundbreaking engagements of the CHR in the Human Rights Promotion and Protection Mechanisms of the United Nations. Karen finished with a degree in AB Communication Arts at the De La Salle University in 1989. In 1994, she earned her postgraduate degree in Public Management (with honors) at the Development Academy of the Philippines. She pursued further postgraduate studies, a Master of Science in Human Rights (with honors), as a British Chevening Scholar at the London School Economics and Political Science in 2004.
Karen S. Gomez Dumpit will participate in the World Justice Forum working session Ombuds Institutions’ Role in Contributing to Access to Justice and SDG 16