Jessica leads the access to justice work at Cordaid as well as for the strategic partnership ‘Just Future’ (funded by the Dutch MFA). This advocacy program focuses on capacity strengthening of civil society. It is implemented by a consortium composed of six international NGOs, three research institutes, one network organization and 25 partners in six program countries, as well as on the international level. Within the justice component of this program, key justice areas include transitional justice and customary informal justice. Cordaid is one of the founding members of the Working Group on Customary and Informal Justice and has been active in supporting an enabling environment to drive this important area forward. Before joining Cordaid, Jessica worked for UN Women (Myanmar), MSF, and the Red Cross Movement. Her time in the field shaped her PhD research at Kings College London and solidified her interest in people centered justice. Her thesis considered the role of non-State law in the regulation of armed non-state groups. The initial premise of her research stands to current discussions around the distinction between formal and informal law losing much of its relevance.
Jessica Hazelwood will participate in the World Justice Forum working session Customary and Informal Pathways to People-Centered Justice: What Works