Hanna Suchocka was Prime Minister of Poland from 1992 to 1993. Throughout the 1980s, Suchocka played a key role in the democratic opposition. She became a member of the pro-democratic Solidarity trade union in 1980 and was elected to Parliament, which she abandoned in 1984 after refusing to vote for measures aimed at weakening Solidarity. With the democratic transition in 1989, Suchocka was re-elected to Parliament as a member of the Democratic Union. In July 1992 Polish president Lech Walesa named her Prime Minister. From 1994 to 1997, she served as a member of the Polish Delegation for the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. She returned to national government in 1997 as Justice Minister. In 2015 she became First Vice-President of the Venice Commission, and was made Honorary President of the Venice Commission in 2016.
Hanna Suchocka will participate in the World Justice Forum Working Session Addressing the Enforcement Gap: The Proposal for an International Anti-Corruption Court