Atieno Odhiambo is a lawyer whose work has focused on human rights, democracy and governance. She is currently based in Nairobi, Kenya. Prior to joining the Fund for Global Human Rights to lead the Legal Empowerment Fund, Atieno was the Technical Lead at Africa for the Center for Reproductive Rights, a global legal advocacy organization dedicated to advancing reproductive rights. She was the past Chief of Party (Kenya) for Public International Law & Policy Group (PILPG) a Washington D.C. based global pro bono law firm that that provides legal assistance to states, governments and civil society organizations. Before taking up her position at PILPG, Atieno worked for the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Kenya. Prior to joining the Supreme Court of Kenya, Atieno worked on immigrant and human rights issues in Washington State at Microsoft Corporation, Northwest Immigrant Rights Project and Columbia Legal Services. Atieno received her undergraduate degree in History from Rice University in Houston, Texas and her law degree from Tulane University School of Law in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Atieno Odhiambo will speak at the World Justice Forum's Plenary: Recommendations, Commitments, and Investments to Advance Justice and Rule of Law and participarte in the the World Justice Forum working session Access to Justice Land and Environmental Advocates Need to Protect us from Climate Change