Annie Namala is the executive Director of Centre for Social Equity and Inclusion (CSEI) and the National Convener of Wada Na Todo Abhiyan (WNTA – Do not break your promises) campaign. WNTA is one of the largest civil society platforms in India, tracking the government on its electoral and constitutional promises and progress on SDGs. WNTA anchored the 2015 processes in India and has since 2016 annually brought out the “India Civil Society Report on SDGs”. WNTA facilitated the civil society consultations for the 2020 Voluntary National Report of the Government of India and contributed to the Leave No One Behind (LNOB) chapter. Using the principle of LNOB, WNTA promotes Community SDG champions and tracks community driven disaggregated data on the ‘status of SDGs among the most vulnerable population groups in India through its 100 Hotspots’ reports. WNTA is a member of global SDG forums as the Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP) and Action for Sustainable Development (A4SD). Annie has been a resource person for some of the India UN processes of UN SDF, Human Development Reports and social inclusion. Annie is passionate about enhancing the participation of marginalized communities to promote social equity and inclusion in rights and development.
Annie Namala will participate in the World Justice Forum working session Community-Driven Data as a Tool to Foster Equal Rights and Non-Discrimination