Abdullah Titir is a Research Specialist at the Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust (BLAST). Her main areas of focus are issues of gender justice, gender and sexuality, and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). She works to build greater dialogue around SRHR among young people, and undertakes research and advocacy on issues of legal, policy and institutional reforms to ensure non-discrimination and equality, particularly in the inclusive recognition of gender identity in Bangladesh, and the protection of SRHR and delivery of information and services for young people, including individuals in diverse SOGIESC communities. She is also a core member of the Rape Law Reform Coalition, and involved in national and international human rights reporting mechanisms on issues of SRHR, disability rights, and sexual and gender-based violence. Titir was called to the Bar of England and Wales in 2016.
Abdullah Titir will participate in the World Justice Forum working session Gender Justice on the Frontlines: Grassroots and Institutional Responses to GBV