Yevgen is an executive director in the Legal Development Network (LDN). The LDN, a one of the major non-governmental legal aid providers, is working with funding from local municipalities and donors in 15 of 25 Ukrainian regions with 25 local member organizations by providing legal consultations and information to individuals as well as legal support to communities. The LDN promotes legal empowerment and assists communities in shaping their policies since 2009. Before joining the LDN, Yevgen worked for charities, financial companies, and government institutions. Yevgen's sphere of professional interests also includes the development and implementation of strategies for the civil society organizations development, access to justice programs and safe community initiatives. In 2004, he obtained his MA in International Economy at Kharkiv National University (Kharkiv, Ukraine) and in 2017 – MA in Nonprofit Management at Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv, Ukraine).
Yevgen Poltenko will participate in the World Justice Forum working session A Model for the Future: Scaling Sustainable Justice Services through Cross-Sectoral Public Financing and Collaboration.