Tshenolo is the Chairperson of the Board of directors of the Centre for Advancement of Community Advice Offices in South Africa. Her career started at Legal Aid South Africa where she worked from 2009 until 2015 at the Alexandra Justice Centre’s Civil Unit. She joined ProBono.Org in 2015 and now manages the Housing, Refugee and Community Advice Office Support Project. Through these projects, she has further developed a collaborative involvement of the private legal profession in community advice office spaces which ensure access to pro bono work. The project has seen the research of case work and meditations seen at community advise offices culminate into a position paper that is co-authored with Dr. Maxim Bolt from the University of Birmingham on the disputes over “family” homes in urban townships of Gauteng. She is a paralegal with 11-years’ experience in the field and although she is currently studying towards her LLB, her area of focus and passion remains in the community advise office sector wherein she hopes her current role will bring about much needed regulatory and resources bases that are premised on recognizing the invaluable role that advise offices play in ensuring access to justice.
Tshenolo Masha will participate in the World Justice Forum Frontline Justice Services Providers and Community Paralegals: Elevating the Voice of the Field.