Suzana Velkovska is a Public Health Program Coordinator of the Foundation Open Society Macedonia (FOSM). She oversees FOSM’s work with respect to Roma Integration, Sexual & Reproductive Health & Rights, Harm Reduction, and Governance of Health. Prior to joining FOSM in 2007, she headed the Unit for Social Inclusion at the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, focusing on the development of policies and services for marginalized groups. From 1990-2003, Suzana worked at the psychiatric hospital “Skopje” on major psychiatric disorders and addictions, and during the Kosovo refugee crisis in 2000, she served as a special services consultant at UNICEF Office Skopje, supervising psychosocial projects throughout the country. She holds a B.A. in psychology from the State University “St. Cyril and Methodius” – Skopje, and specialization in Clinical Psychology from the Medical Faculty at University “St. Cyril and Methodius,” and is a certified Gestalt therapist.
Suzana Velkovska will participate in the World Justice Forum working sessions Opportunities to Strengthen Collaboration Between Justice and Global Health and A Model for the Future: Scaling Sustainable Justice Services through Cross-Sectoral Public Financing and Collaboration.