Rebecca L. Sandefur studies access to civil justice from every angle—from how legal services are delivered and consumed, to how civil legal aid is organized around the nation, to the role of pro bono, to the relative efficacy of lawyers, nonlawyers and digital tools as advisers and representatives, to how ordinary people think about their justice problems and try to resolve them. Sandefur joined the American Bar Foundation (ABF) in 2010 to found and lead its access to justice research initiative. As a Faculty Fellow she continues to head this initiative, and she is also Associate Professor of Sociology and Law at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. In 2013, Sandefur was The Hague Visiting Chair in the Rule of Law. In 2015, she was named Champion of Justice by the National Center for Access to Justice. In 2018, she was named a MacArthur Fellow for her work on inequality and access to justice.
Rebecca Sandefur will participate in the World Justice Forum working session Making Legal Technologies Used and Useful: Expanding Access to Civil Justice.