Pilar Domingo is a Senior Research Fellow at the Overseas Development Institute. She joined the Politics and Governance team in 2009. Previously, she was at the Institute for the Study of the Americas of the University of London, the University of Salamanca in Spain, Queen Mary University of London, and Centro de Investigaciones y Docencia Economica in Mexico. Her areas of expertise span the following thematic issues: rule of law development and access to justice; legal pluralism; institutional transformation in post-conflict and transition settings; and women’s political empowerment. Since joining ODI her research has focused on the role of international actors in supporting change processes across these issues, including in fragile and conflict-affected settings. She has a D.Phil in Politics from the University of Oxford.
Pilar Domingo will participate in the World Justice Forum working session Diverse Pathways to Everyday Justice: Leveraging Customary and Informal Systems in Realizing Justice for All.