Erika Dailey is the Senior Officer for Research at the Open Society Justice Initiative, based in New York. Since 2014 she has overseen the organisation's efforts to document human rights abuses and establish fact patterns for advocacy and strategic litigation on subject-matter areas ranging from discrimination to grave crimes. She also manages a project examining the impacts of strategic human rights litigation, in areas including education justice, discrimination against Roma, indigenous peoples' land rights, and torture in custody.
Before joining the Justice Initiative, Dailey served as deputy director of International Operations and deputy in the Office of Programs (2007-2013) at the Open Society Foundations. Prior to that, she was for five years the founding director of OSF's Turkmenistan Project, which reported on human rights abuses in that repressive country and supported its civil society. Dailey was a field researcher and rights advocate for Human Rights Watch, based in New York and Moscow, in the 1990s, traveling extensively in the former Soviet Union, with specialization in Central Asia, the south Caucasus, Moldova and Russia. She was educated at Princeton University (BA), Columbia University (MPhil, Certificate in Harriman Institute), and at Queen Mary School of Law (LLM expected).
Erika Dailey will participate in the World Justice Forum working session Bridging the Justice Gap with Strategic Human Rights Litigation.