Dr. Martin Gramatikov is a leading expert in using empirical legal research in the fields of access to justice, dispute resolution, and human rights. He has a law degree and PhD in political science, both from Sofia University. Martin specializes in conducting large-scale justice needs studies; measurement of how people perceive justice; and impact evaluations of access to justice and dispute resolution programs. He develops and implements quantitative and qualitative methodologies for measuring justice as people experience it. His methods, data, and findings are widely used to measure the justice gap and the progress towards the UN Sustainable development goals. Martin also works on developing new and enhancing the existing indicators of Rule of Law as well as the application of Big Data concepts in the field of justice. Dr. Gramatikov managed research projects in more than 40 countries around the world. He worked in Europe, North America, Central and South-East Asia, Africa, MENA, and the Pacific. His work has been used by policy makers and justice providers to improve access to justice as well as by academics.