Lara spent her carreer working towards improving access to justice for vulnerable groups. She started as an attorney in Belgium, dealing with cases involving both national and international law (refugee and immigration laws, criminal law, universal jurisdiction) as well as human rights violations. She worked at Avocats Sans Frontières (ASF), an international NGO implementing access to justice and justice reform programs in conflict and post-conflict settings. Her countries of experience include DR Congo, Burundi, and Rwanda (field based) as well as Chad, East Timor, Israel/Palestine, Nepal, Tunisia, and Zimbabwe. Lara then held the position of associate Justice Advisor for the International Security Sector Advisory Team (ISSAT) at the Geneva Center for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) where she had the opportunity to provide technical advice on Justice and Security Sector Reform programming to Member States and multilateral institutions, including UN agencies (DRC, Haiti, Nepal, Slovakia). She conducted several program evaluations and studies for different development institutions and international NGOs (Brazil, Chad, DRC, Morocco). Lara is also a volunteer mediator at the New York Peace Institute (NYPI) in New York City, she participates in the training of NYPD community police officers as a coach.
Lara Deramaix will speak at the World Justice Forum's Partner Side Event Launch of the UNDP Justice Futures CoLab